Hi James. Thanks for reading! I'm still digging into RFK Jr to find out and when I'm done I will post my research, but I know he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which is a huge group of globalists connected to the UN and WEF. In addition, he is a staunch supporter of the Israeli government. Idk what you know about Israel, but I wrote an article that explains it if you're interested. There is no way he is ignorant about who the government of Israel really is. Israel is supposed to get WW3 started for the UN2030 Agenda goals. I'm confident I'm going to find that Kennedy is just as dirty as Trump and Biden. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-manufacturing
Most American voters listen to what the various candidates say, and and get hung up on that. Then they forget to compare that with what the candidate actually does.
A perfect example is Dumbo. He said he would have more openness in government, close Gitmo, end the wars and bring the troops back home. He also said that he would make it easier being a whistle blower.
It's a reference to Oded Yinon's paper from the early eighties by almost the same name, Greater Israel, and his ambitious plan for expansion from river (Nile) to river Euphrates. This in turn explains why Israel's punk-ass-bitch has been fighting wars in the ME for more than two decades.
Are you talking about Trump? Two terms? If so, I would say that his 2nd term is coming up, but they are all on the same team, so I guess in a manner of thinking, he has had 2 terms since his uniparty friends have had all terms. I expect him to be reinstalled this year to give the "Truthers" the psyop of a perceived win. Trump is such a devious bastard and will make Biden's 4 years look like child's play.
Exactly! I just want to find proof he practices the occult, belongs to one of these secret societies, and is a hard-core globalist. I'm sure he is, but I'm still looking for more evidence.
The latter is easy. Only a hard core globalist would recognize Syria's Golan Heights as belonging to Israel. Ditto recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.
Hi Mez. It took me some time to find RFKs connections. He doesn't flaunt the occult symbolism like a lot of these globalists do. I found the connections via The Mellon family who funded both his and Trump's campaign, and his siblings and nephew who are in bed with the WEF. I also found his connections via his staunch support of the Zionist political movement. Zionism is the political party of the WEF-UN and their NWO masters and Illuminati, Cult of Saturn bloodlines. Kennedy actually belongs to one of those 13 bloodlines. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200121123953.htm, and this article shares some deeper information about the Messianic Cult, Chabad Lubavich, that Kennedy is a part of. There's a picture with several of our leaders with the Chabad Rabbi messiah and a video of Trump praying to him at his grave after he recently died. Chabad believes in reincarnation, and they believe this rabbi will be reborn and usher in their Messianic Golden Age, after they have completed the 613 Mitzvah commandments, including ridding the world of all non-Jews. They plan to kill 2/3 of whom they see to be "lesser Jews" in order to accomplish this. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/the-diabolical-hidden-meanings-of
Sarah, thank you for writing this and sharing. I have been saying for YEARS, that if people do not understand that occultists have taken over the world, they will never ever come to understand 'political' machinations here on Earth. It simply cannot be done. So, people spreading information that links all of this chaos to occultism, is greatly beneficial.
I've been studying the occult now for 20 years and know their symbology and cryptography all too well. People simply don't get it. This is the evidence people need to see, to actually begin to grasp it is all one giant international crime syndicate. they are occultists, and as such, they have amassed all the information they need to psychologically process us through terror and trauma. They have leveraged their deep understanding of everything into a massive power differential over us.
One of the most important symbols to wrestle with currently (to grasp what is about to take place here on Earth) - the Phoenix bird. This is why they are absolutely putting it everywhere for us to see. Super bowl halftime 2024 (TONS of phoenix bird symbolism), Eurovision 2024, new Phoenix bird statue on Notre Dame, UN HQ a giant phoenix bird on a mural, the most recent film 'Megalopolis'.....there's more than100 examples. They are telling humanity will will transpire, but very few sadly have the requisite knowledge to break it down.
Well done. You put a ton of work into this. That inverted-pyramid gesture points to where their souls are going. It's a shape alike to Dante's descending circles of Hell.
I agree with your assessment. I was already aware of the symbology you described associated with Trump...but I read widely. I think what many people don't understand is that the NWO is not necessarily a hegemonic force. They have factions. I became aware of this fact when reading Deagel's infamous 2025 forecast. Under the section which explains their predictions was a rather remarkable and extremely personal comment made toward the U.S. which showed me that the person writing that portion of the description was highly emotionally involved. I understood immediately that they held a different POV from others in their community.
The principal faction which runs this country is the one you see coming through the Biden administration which is closely tied to a one-world government and the organizations which promote this idea like EU and WEF. For goodness sakes, Biden's last campaign slogan was "Build Back Better." I think another faction exists which is more benign and supports a Trump candidacy. I also think another faction might exist which would like to see the country devolve into civil war and truly hates this country or perhaps they're a subset of the first group. I think they all agree on the general large plan but differ in how to fulfill the objectives.
I like Melania Trump. I always have. I liked her message today. Perhaps it was driven by hegemonic inclinations, but I support the context. In fact, I was up until 5 this morning making a personal video I planned to use closing out my current look at the Syrian oil theft (in another two parts I think) and how the Middle East works with oil (not as we surmise). I was surprised that my video, which focused on love, was echoed in her message. I'll support any message which preaches peace. I wrote a short column today dedicating the video to her. So, talk about synchronicity....
People have to realize that "normal people" are just starting to awaken, but the trap has long been set and very few options are open to them at this point. I'm not being despondent but rather speaking truthfully. The dye is already cast for many (their spiritual development in this epoch), and a civil war will make very little difference.
Thanks for your comment. I agree that there are different factions, but in my estimation, those different factions simply want to get to the top of the pyramid. I think the Nazis have been at the top since they kicked the US's ass during Operation Highjump. There are multiple secret societies and religious groups but they all generally believe the same things and see the world the same way. They believe the world should belong to them and that anyone who isn’t them has no value. I'll check out your video. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
After he died I found out my father was a 30th degree Freemason. I was curious about it, and when I found out about William Cooper I listened to all his recordings on the subject.
Bill Cooper had a guest on his radio show "The Hour Of The Time" who infiltrated the masons and got to the 27th degree before he jumped ship. He described in detail his experiences.
When you are initiated you enter a room with three doors, and a cross on a table. Someone tells you to spit at the cross, and what you decide to do determines what door you exit through. Either way you are told you made the right decission. If you don't spit at the cross you are a first degree Freemason for the rest of your life.
That's the short story. The long one is what happens after you spit at that cross.
So no one running for President is a good person. All world leaders seem to be part of this satanic cult. We have no one to vote for. Who will lead the Great Uprising? It all feels pretty hopeless, my dear.
It is hopeless if you are looking to a politician to save us. It is not hopeless if all if the citizens worldwide take matters into their own hands to end this. We have to become responsible citizens. The power has always been in our hands, most of us just did not know we needed to pick up the power and wield it. I don't feel I have the organization skills to lead this, but I am participating and will more when the uprising begins. There is a lot we can do, but to be effective, a huge number of us have to participate.
Yes, all 3 of the big ticket candidates are globalists, and no, there is not a political solution to this mess.
Hi Paul. Yes, he had a Youtube video that I came across that was excellent, and that's where I got much of the content showing his Occult symbology. I don't agree with his religious views and what he thinks regarding the end times, but it was great information. If you do agree with his end times thinking, you might enjoy this article. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-manufacturing
Because I showed you your celebrity politician is a WEF-owned, Deep State Zionist psychopath just like the rest of these bastards who run our world. Sorry, not sorry.
Do what? Buy a book? It's far more than supposed mRNA in the food supply. It's nanotechnology, and is in bottled drinks, the tap water, all pharmaceuticals that have been evaluated, and is being sprayed in the air via chemtrail smart dust. We are all being exposed and reexposed.
Lol. I have no idea. I've never looked into her background, but you can't marry into these royal bloodlines unless you also come from the same bloodlines. That's my understanding.
this is interesting good stuff. I'm gonna have to vote. for RFK jr. Have we got him posing with any satanic hand signals anywhere?👽
Hi James. Thanks for reading! I'm still digging into RFK Jr to find out and when I'm done I will post my research, but I know he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which is a huge group of globalists connected to the UN and WEF. In addition, he is a staunch supporter of the Israeli government. Idk what you know about Israel, but I wrote an article that explains it if you're interested. There is no way he is ignorant about who the government of Israel really is. Israel is supposed to get WW3 started for the UN2030 Agenda goals. I'm confident I'm going to find that Kennedy is just as dirty as Trump and Biden. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-manufacturing
"I'm confident I'm going to find that Kennedy is just as dirty as Trump and Biden."
You will because he is. He kisses the Israel lobby's ass, and he has never used the term biological- or technological weapon regarding the clot shot.
This is hard to swallow, back to the drawing board 🙄
Yes, we all want a Hero/Savior. We are the One we are waiting for.
Most American voters listen to what the various candidates say, and and get hung up on that. Then they forget to compare that with what the candidate actually does.
A perfect example is Dumbo. He said he would have more openness in government, close Gitmo, end the wars and bring the troops back home. He also said that he would make it easier being a whistle blower.
Still he had two terms in office.
Oh, love your screen name!
It's a reference to Oded Yinon's paper from the early eighties by almost the same name, Greater Israel, and his ambitious plan for expansion from river (Nile) to river Euphrates. This in turn explains why Israel's punk-ass-bitch has been fighting wars in the ME for more than two decades.
Are you talking about Trump? Two terms? If so, I would say that his 2nd term is coming up, but they are all on the same team, so I guess in a manner of thinking, he has had 2 terms since his uniparty friends have had all terms. I expect him to be reinstalled this year to give the "Truthers" the psyop of a perceived win. Trump is such a devious bastard and will make Biden's 4 years look like child's play.
Dumbo=Obama. He had two terms whereas Agent Orange only had one.
I know, my friend. Just wait until I publish tonight's article. It will BLOW YOUR MIND!
Exactly! I just want to find proof he practices the occult, belongs to one of these secret societies, and is a hard-core globalist. I'm sure he is, but I'm still looking for more evidence.
The latter is easy. Only a hard core globalist would recognize Syria's Golan Heights as belonging to Israel. Ditto recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.
Hi Mez. It took me some time to find RFKs connections. He doesn't flaunt the occult symbolism like a lot of these globalists do. I found the connections via The Mellon family who funded both his and Trump's campaign, and his siblings and nephew who are in bed with the WEF. I also found his connections via his staunch support of the Zionist political movement. Zionism is the political party of the WEF-UN and their NWO masters and Illuminati, Cult of Saturn bloodlines. Kennedy actually belongs to one of those 13 bloodlines. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200121123953.htm, and this article shares some deeper information about the Messianic Cult, Chabad Lubavich, that Kennedy is a part of. There's a picture with several of our leaders with the Chabad Rabbi messiah and a video of Trump praying to him at his grave after he recently died. Chabad believes in reincarnation, and they believe this rabbi will be reborn and usher in their Messianic Golden Age, after they have completed the 613 Mitzvah commandments, including ridding the world of all non-Jews. They plan to kill 2/3 of whom they see to be "lesser Jews" in order to accomplish this. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/the-diabolical-hidden-meanings-of
Sarah, thank you for writing this and sharing. I have been saying for YEARS, that if people do not understand that occultists have taken over the world, they will never ever come to understand 'political' machinations here on Earth. It simply cannot be done. So, people spreading information that links all of this chaos to occultism, is greatly beneficial.
I've been studying the occult now for 20 years and know their symbology and cryptography all too well. People simply don't get it. This is the evidence people need to see, to actually begin to grasp it is all one giant international crime syndicate. they are occultists, and as such, they have amassed all the information they need to psychologically process us through terror and trauma. They have leveraged their deep understanding of everything into a massive power differential over us.
One of the most important symbols to wrestle with currently (to grasp what is about to take place here on Earth) - the Phoenix bird. This is why they are absolutely putting it everywhere for us to see. Super bowl halftime 2024 (TONS of phoenix bird symbolism), Eurovision 2024, new Phoenix bird statue on Notre Dame, UN HQ a giant phoenix bird on a mural, the most recent film 'Megalopolis'.....there's more than100 examples. They are telling humanity will will transpire, but very few sadly have the requisite knowledge to break it down.
Much luck to all.
Well done. You put a ton of work into this. That inverted-pyramid gesture points to where their souls are going. It's a shape alike to Dante's descending circles of Hell.
I agree with your assessment. I was already aware of the symbology you described associated with Trump...but I read widely. I think what many people don't understand is that the NWO is not necessarily a hegemonic force. They have factions. I became aware of this fact when reading Deagel's infamous 2025 forecast. Under the section which explains their predictions was a rather remarkable and extremely personal comment made toward the U.S. which showed me that the person writing that portion of the description was highly emotionally involved. I understood immediately that they held a different POV from others in their community.
The principal faction which runs this country is the one you see coming through the Biden administration which is closely tied to a one-world government and the organizations which promote this idea like EU and WEF. For goodness sakes, Biden's last campaign slogan was "Build Back Better." I think another faction exists which is more benign and supports a Trump candidacy. I also think another faction might exist which would like to see the country devolve into civil war and truly hates this country or perhaps they're a subset of the first group. I think they all agree on the general large plan but differ in how to fulfill the objectives.
I like Melania Trump. I always have. I liked her message today. Perhaps it was driven by hegemonic inclinations, but I support the context. In fact, I was up until 5 this morning making a personal video I planned to use closing out my current look at the Syrian oil theft (in another two parts I think) and how the Middle East works with oil (not as we surmise). I was surprised that my video, which focused on love, was echoed in her message. I'll support any message which preaches peace. I wrote a short column today dedicating the video to her. So, talk about synchronicity....
People have to realize that "normal people" are just starting to awaken, but the trap has long been set and very few options are open to them at this point. I'm not being despondent but rather speaking truthfully. The dye is already cast for many (their spiritual development in this epoch), and a civil war will make very little difference.
Thanks for your comment. I agree that there are different factions, but in my estimation, those different factions simply want to get to the top of the pyramid. I think the Nazis have been at the top since they kicked the US's ass during Operation Highjump. There are multiple secret societies and religious groups but they all generally believe the same things and see the world the same way. They believe the world should belong to them and that anyone who isn’t them has no value. I'll check out your video. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
After he died I found out my father was a 30th degree Freemason. I was curious about it, and when I found out about William Cooper I listened to all his recordings on the subject.
Bill Cooper had a guest on his radio show "The Hour Of The Time" who infiltrated the masons and got to the 27th degree before he jumped ship. He described in detail his experiences.
When you are initiated you enter a room with three doors, and a cross on a table. Someone tells you to spit at the cross, and what you decide to do determines what door you exit through. Either way you are told you made the right decission. If you don't spit at the cross you are a first degree Freemason for the rest of your life.
That's the short story. The long one is what happens after you spit at that cross.
So no one running for President is a good person. All world leaders seem to be part of this satanic cult. We have no one to vote for. Who will lead the Great Uprising? It all feels pretty hopeless, my dear.
It is hopeless if you are looking to a politician to save us. It is not hopeless if all if the citizens worldwide take matters into their own hands to end this. We have to become responsible citizens. The power has always been in our hands, most of us just did not know we needed to pick up the power and wield it. I don't feel I have the organization skills to lead this, but I am participating and will more when the uprising begins. There is a lot we can do, but to be effective, a huge number of us have to participate.
Yes, all 3 of the big ticket candidates are globalists, and no, there is not a political solution to this mess.
In short....... If a horse knew his power, he would let no one ride him.
We are taught powerlessness from kindergarten on. We have to unlearn that.
well said!
https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 if this was your source the other episodes are worth reading
Hi Paul. Yes, he had a Youtube video that I came across that was excellent, and that's where I got much of the content showing his Occult symbology. I don't agree with his religious views and what he thinks regarding the end times, but it was great information. If you do agree with his end times thinking, you might enjoy this article. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-manufacturing
You need help...
Because I showed you your celebrity politician is a WEF-owned, Deep State Zionist psychopath just like the rest of these bastards who run our world. Sorry, not sorry.
Do what? Buy a book? It's far more than supposed mRNA in the food supply. It's nanotechnology, and is in bottled drinks, the tap water, all pharmaceuticals that have been evaluated, and is being sprayed in the air via chemtrail smart dust. We are all being exposed and reexposed.
Yeah, that's the way these people roll. I'm not surprised, lol.
I've heard of kissing cousins, but fucking cousins?
Lol. I have no idea. I've never looked into her background, but you can't marry into these royal bloodlines unless you also come from the same bloodlines. That's my understanding.
bloody lines.