Post #3.

These beings with deformed human bodies can be traced back to Atlantis which normally brings laughter and derision. Ignorant people often scoff. We must use not only our incredible intellect but also imagination/intuition to resolve our ignorance of our history and heritage.

Both spiritually developed and spiritually misguided Atlanteans (Aryans) survived the flood (probably initiated by Atlantis' sinking into the ocean).

Those misguided ones may well have redeveloped or secreted technology from Atlantis whose development far exceeds what we view contemporarily on Earth. Groups of Atlanteans left for every corner of the Earth prior to the final explosion/sinking caused by misuse of technology. Young has suggested that some technology may well have survived and exist within a cavern system deep in Earth.

These misguided descendants perhaps dominate and control the people we call "Khazarian Jews" (aka Globalists/Oligarchs) and currently show their truest colors through the nation of Israel, whom we all know was birthed by Rothschilds' money and influence to control the U.S. .gov. The absolute ruthlessness of the ongoing genocide in the Gaza is reflective of Israelis who follow this religion of devolved humans.

The infamous 13 Families attributed to the "Illuminati" are likely in "spiritual" contact with these beings who may have technology which allows telepathic communication.

The Families think they're highly evolved because they have this ability which disappeared from Atlanteans. Our consciousness changed as we continued to descend into deep materiality. Their "telepathy" and intercourse with "higher powers" is likely nothing more than technologically driven telepathy with these devolved beings. Perhaps "Greys" have "come out" to these families and others by now.

We shouldn't be surprised by the suggestion of technological telepathy. DARPA money has been spent for over six decades on psychic discovery and manipulation (as well documented and acknowledged in Congressional hearings held on MKUltra). Today we often read remarks from .gov officials who boast about developing AI-driven capabilities and trans-humanist links which will allow humans to telepathically communicate...particularly they've acknowledged such communication between "Super Soldiers."

We're all equally aware that DARPA technology is minimally 100 years advanced from what's shown to us in 2024.

A compelling circumstantial case can be made for these beings existing in Antartica. Where else on Earth is so tightly bound and off limits? Nowhere.

My suspicion is that a huge contingent of Nazis also lives in underground caverns and developed advanced technology before the end of WWII. Where did the 1,000 missing U-boats and thousands of missing German scientists go at the end of WWII? No records list their deaths nor retirement of those vessels.

An excellent film is "Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary." Of course the U.S. .gov will never disseminate such information. We're the Empire of Hidden Nazis.

Before and during WWII, Nazis were sent to Antartica. German Grand Admiral Doenitz "let slip a strange phrase: 'My submariners have found a true paradise on Earth.' In 1943, at the peak of the war with Russia...Doenitz uttered another no less mysterious phrase: 'The German submarine fleet is proud, at the other end of the world, we've made an impregnable citadel for our Fuhrer.'" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwUpPwyyvLw

Perhaps they have a pact with the "Greys" at this point. Certainly the "Greys" could beguile them with any advanced technology they've developed or secreted. Crowley's contact with "great Masters" is likely no greater achievement than contact with Antartica. Doesn't his picture of Lam, his channeled spiritual contact, look very "Grey alien?"

Operation Highjump's failure gives some great clues into the "Grey's" level of technology: flying ships which devastated Byrd's fleet with direct beams; incredible speed and ability (emerging from water); and energetic "walls" into which air craft smashed and crashed.

Ever wonder why big shots from all around the world travel to Antartica periodically? To assess "scientific" developments? Contemplate climate change? LOL. Why did Buzz Aldrin say explicitly, upon leaving Antartica a number of years ago, that what he saw was "pure evil?" He later retracted his tweet from his hospital bed, which is always a clue.

Someone's giving orders in Antartica. Why else would you summon Klaus Scwab and Ursula van der Leyen?

Another credible testimony was Phil Schneider's on Dulce deep underground base in the four corners of the American SW. Schneider was a geologist and engineer who bored through mountains and built deep underground bases for the U.S. military. He testifies to seeing human body parts floating in large vats when encountering a tall "Grey alien" as they drilled down.

Phil never revised his statements nor deviated from a desire to let fellow Americans know the true state of their world. He was appalled at the utter complicit evil. He supposedly committed suicide by wrapping a coat hanger around his neck. 🤣

"Greys" currently clone themselves, according to other testimony, to continue living which explains their desperation not only to propel earthly genetic study at the speed of light but also the capture of human beings for study to produce a body which will allow them to evolve upon Earth's surface.

What disciplines have advanced with breath-taking human speed since 1980? Genetics/genetic manipulation. AI and everything to do with AI such as computer development. Anything to advance trans-humanism. We DON'T see free energy devices; we DON'T see anti-gravity transportation; we DON'T see advanced light medicine.

We SUSPECT incredibly advanced weaponry when we see Lahania burn to the ground. Didn't the "Greys" who met with Pres. Eisenhower in 1956 (using flying saucers to fly into the meeting), promise sharing "advanced technology" with the U.S. .gov if they were given access to abduct humans; their existence kept secret; and special bases built for their research? Why wouldn't Eisenhower believe these small, shrunken, weird-looking life forms weren't aliens? How else could they approach anyone on Earth's surface and negotiate their apparent "coming out?"

What we know without a doubt is that they have an overwhelming need to genetically manipulate the human physical form.

If an extremely advanced extraterrestrial is working on Earth, why don't their own genetics afford far greater avenues into reversing their genetic degeneration? Why does the supposed human contribution remain the major focus? Makes no sense.

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Hi there. Your comments are excellent and demonstrate that you have a deeper, more comprehensive understanding than most. I enjoyed reading it and am grateful you made time to read my article.

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I know the comment is long, and I never meant to write such length, but your article and perceptions on "who rules the world" (truly) were so apt and spot on that I was overjoyed. I seldomly run into someone who's taken the time to thoughtfully think through many of the puzzles presented us. I coined the phrase "Kabuki theater" years ago at ZeroHedge; everyone started using it after I characterized what we see as theater. Kabuki throws up images, and we never know what's true. Thanks for replying.

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I enjoyed your comments! Thank you for reading my Substack and sharing your thoughts! Kabuki theater is a great term for much of what we are seeing.

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A lot of what you write about Israel and Jews is absolute nonsense. And the world is 5784 years old so it cant be true that blue eyed blondes invaded Israel 6500 years ago. Most Jews do NOT agree with the destruction of all non-Jews.

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The world is much, much older than that, my friend but you are welcome to believe whatever you want. And, I clearly said that not all Jews agree with the extermination of all non-Jews. Please reread the summary if you missed that. Thanks for reading and have a nice evening.

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People know what they know. Realising that every damned thing you thought was true is not is the first step. It's a big step and not many are willing to take it.

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Oh yeah, great article. I don't usually read articles that long. It jives with much of what I have been researching.

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Skeletal remains of people with red-blonde hair predate the races of people currently living within the Levant. The earliest PRE-DYNASTY Egyptian mummies had red-blonde hair and blue eyes. Robert Sepher is an anthropologist who brings these facts to light as well as many other narratives suppressed by mainstream anthropology. Several Greeks, including Plato, speak of an Aryan race who lived on an island west of the Pillars in the Atlantic which sank in a cataclysm of gigantic proportions within a day and night. I suggest watching Sepher's YouTube channel where you can see these mummies for yourself. Btw, this same race of people with red-blonde hair and blue eyes left mummies predating any Asiatic race in China; these mummies have been summarily censored and hidden by the Chinese government who refuses to acknowledge them and refuses permission for excavation.

I'm so sorry that you've been misled. The world is much older than 5784 years. Here is a simple article. Please note the oldest archeological site is dated (by current scientific methods) 135,000 years old. Various factions within anthropology and archeology have a tendency to establish narratives about the world and its age which they fiercely protect to gain research funds. Money controls much of these "histories" rather than truth. Here's the link. "9 Oldest Archeological Sites in the World" https://www.oldest.org/culture/archaeological-sites/

I was extremely happy to read that most Jews do not agree with the destruction of non-Jews because the current indiscriminate bombing carried out by Israel on its neighboring nations for the last many years in addition to the evaporation of people in Gaza has led many to other conclusions.

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Post #2.

Because we're hybrid? They're our progenitors?

We simply need look no further than the genuinely genetically unaltered human who can still achieve spiritual enlightenment/gnosis from a variety of pathways as well as show a great capacity for unbounded love and compassion.

Reputed extraterrestrials have shown a cold and sharply malignant attitude toward humans from every account or testimony of those who interacted with them. The two species are diametrically opposite. To truly mix their genetics with humans might well involve them developing a spiritual capacity they abhor.

Yet...they need human genetic material.

I suggest, as mystic and esoteric Christian Gigi Young maintains, that they're interested because they're native terrains--indeed, they maintain so themselves.

Gigi Young, drawing from anthroposophy and her own insights, believes inner spirituality is reflected in the human form, which is sacred and inviolable, and is eternally evolving as the spiritual state of humans progresses. Indeed, this form ALLOWS spiritual advancement and integration. I could be wrong, but I believe some ancient secret traditions also follow this line of thinking.

These humans' spirituality has so deteriorated that their physical form has degenerated into a nonhuman form. There are no "aliens." There is simply devolved human beings whose physical form reflects this fact.

I always find correlations interesting. According to report after report, "alien" bodies with big heads, dark lenses covering their eyes, and grey-ish skin have been recovered in a number of "space craft" crashes since the 1940s. All leaked by humans "who saw."

You can either accept this idea or not. I've no desire to persuade anyone. I look only for an elegantly simple explanation which encompasses the whole.

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Substack has asked for a shorter comment so I'll do several.

What an incredibly well done summation on the true nature of this world. I'm very aware of each segment and train of thought you posted. I red pilled myself in 2015; retired in 2018; and have sometimes stayed up all night reading only to crash into bed at 6:00 a.m. I'm also a person who looks to connect dots...not a few but all of them. Your article is simply outstanding.

I have hypotheses about the true power nexus which I advise few to read unless they have a bent for considering all avenues outside of normal human thought. The one fact people should know is that our true history has been hidden from us and truncated so badly that no real semblance to truth can be recognized.

I don't maintain everything I relate is correct. Some parts may hit the mark; others miss. My mind is open.

I also use past and current mystics/psychics' thoughts and writings with no apology. This issue, imo, simply can't be resolved with physical evidence alone. Much of that evidence has been taken and hidden from us. What happened, e.g., to all the giant skeletons excavated in America? Of people 8-9 feet tall? Gathering dust in some Smithsonian basement? We see the pictures in old newspaper clippings, and the excavations were plentiful. Moreover, newspapers report fantastic archeological findings in the Grand Canyon. Newspaper descriptions allude to a high civilization with advanced technology. The Smithsonian shutdown exposure, and the dig disappeared.

Who funds the Smithsonian? Oh? Some of the "13 Families?" Why would they possibly want to abscond with our history?

We'll see.

I also use anthroposophy as a esoteric framework which helps with the vast scope.

The essential question which arises is why would aliens from a far-flung world system be interested in Earth human genetics?

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Tartaric being a case in point but being sabotaged by AI composite images to discredit!

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Omg. Gobsmacked

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Breathtaking. Have read Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan too. Worth finding the pdf

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This is an amazing compilation. I’ve figured out most of this but still had some missing pieces mostly between Arians and Jews.

One thing that struck me fairly early on is a coming cataclysm that is timed with this playing out of the apocalypse. And recurring resets that they / elite cover up. I’ve watched a ton of ‘Mind Unveiled’ on YouTube. They have a play list on Tartaria. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8JjCqKJPk8o-X2nySW3KBEbvD483HSqV&si=QdccElIe6Geqteg2

Also what is really the nature of our reality. Archaix has done a ton of research on history since about 3500bc.. only uses written books. The Pyramid of Giza and are we really in a simulation. Hard to find a starting point but this was an excellent analysis of the 7 seals being played out


Others from scientific perspective forecasting a pole shift / cataclysm 2030-2050. What did you learn about cern and controlling poles?

And, do you think there is still a race living underground at Antarctica? Likely the City of Atlantis.

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Hi Caroline. Thanks for reading it! Thank you for the resources provided in your comment. I haven't had the opportunity to research those sources just yet, but I will. They call this their 4th Industrial revolution, because it appears they have been involved in these resets for thousands of years. I have not learned about CERN being able to control the poles, but that may be a piece that was missing in how these psychopaths control these planetary calamities. I saw a video on facebook showing how air can be blown into sand to cause it to become liquid; this made me think of the mud floods and consider the idea that the elites have been involved in the cataclysms previously. I don't subscribe to the flat earth theory, but I also don't fully subscribe to the helio-central model of the universe. I think the truth is likely somewhere in the middle between them. That said, there is tremendous evidence that an Atlantis-like, planetary cataclysm will begin to occur this year and that it will last until 2026, changing everything on Earth's surface. "Winter is coming," was never just a movie line. It is the foretelling of the coming mini-ice age and death overtaking most of humanity. I've been listening to David Dubine (spelling?) on the Adapt 2030 YouTube channel, which is also available via Brighteon. Everything I've learned though regarding the technologies available to the Elites, suggests that they can manufacture all or most of this pole shifting, without help from the solar system. I do think there are alien races who live on the earth. Frankly, I would say that humanity is an alien race or a hybrid alien race, as well. Whether they are in Antarctica, middle earth, or somewhere else, I don't know, but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they live in those places and likely others we haven't yet considered.

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Oh and that the coming resets can be predicted exactly as these evens happen on a set timeline. 2040 and 2046 ( pole shift)

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It will be interesting to read about this more. My understanding now, is that the pole shift affecting the planet via cataclysmic events begins in October of 2024. That said, I may not understand this all fully yet, so I look forward to learning more.

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Another source on pole shift is Suspicious Observers on YouTube and website our electric universe. Who knows who is right.

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So the archaix channel thinks that our reality is run by AI, and that the elites are also victims of this reset. That’s why they are building, bunkers and going underground and there’s lots of evidence of this over thousands of years. Listen to his stuff you’ll find it actually a relief. He’s in alignment with what Jesus taught, that we are immortal beings, and we are just here for an experience. And this realm is definitely under evil domain.

I think we are some sort of alien hybrid also. I find it hard to believe that a race of humans could plan all this without the help of something artificial or alien. It’s just too overwhelming. Archaix makes a good argument that we live in a simulated construct. Everything mathematically perfect. Significant events line up forward and past. He also thinks we have a benefactor.

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Amazing history lesson Sarah, I've saved as a reference. Thanks for your hard work putting all this together.

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

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archaeologists make up stuff to suit themselves. A very interesting article- https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/dino-hoax-part-5-follow-the-money?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

The Jewish people have been counting the age of the world since its creation and Adam and Eve and its 5784 years now..

Indiscriminate bombing carried out by Israel? Its always in retaliation to bombings and suicide attacks on its civilians. The Syrian Civil War has claimed the lives of over 400,000 civilians, yet this has tragic loss has gone entirely unnoticed and unaddressed, 1000's of Christians are being killed by Muslims no one cares because its not the Jewish people doing the killing . Listen to Douglas Murray for truth about Israeli conflicts.

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Mar 23
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Thank you for reading it! I have very little hope their plans will fail. Sadly, their manipulation of information has inprisoned most of humanity in one way or another, and even the few who are somewhat awake are still being misled into thinking this isn't going to get that bad and/or their is some political hero who is going to save us. My only hope at this point, is that there is another variable that I am not yet aware of, like a benevolent race outside of humanity who may step in to help. Short of that happening, these psychopaths are going to kill us all, the planet, and likely themselves.

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