Jun 16Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

GREAT work Sarah.

Contradictions abound. And if I were a customer, that Facebook post would've done more harm than good.

Matt Hazan does not sound professional, and does not write like a professional (online tools provide those helpful spell and grammar check underlines for a reason!).

It also doesn't inspire confidence to know he's driving 2 rundown cars and living in a camper.

Some things are better left unsaid.

What was possibly intended to evoke sympathy and identifying with everyman/man on the street just raises in me the possibility of motive.

He has protested way too much, and none of this would have been necessary had he just provided the data that showed the results were legitimate.

The fact he refused to provide it confirms the results are not legitimate (otherwise it would be getting published everywhere he could post it).

Add to that his dubious partner representing herself as 2 test subjects, and this is not only disappointing, but outright fraud.

Thanks for your persistent digging and getting to the bottom of it. Much appreciated.

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Thank you for reading my Substack and for caring about our buyer-beware medicine and supplement industry!

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Jun 7Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

Reading Mr. Haden’s emails was painful. A veritable garbage dump of manipulative ploys!

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Yeah, it was!

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May 18Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

I just stumbled onto your substack through FB. I'd heard about the "wonders of zeolite" for heavy metal detox but never pursued it much because of the various opinions on different kinds, different forms, different brands, etc. As I'm not jabbed, it just wasn't a big priority, it seemed to be quite expensive and I've used other heavy metal binders like bentonite clay, MMS, Borax, etc. I'm not completely convinced that every single person is now infected with nanbots without them being directly injected into our body. Seems like inhalation or ingestion of these substances would be met and taken care of by our body's vibrant immune system? Of course, I'm not a doctor or scientist, so I could be completely wrong.

I do get upset with people just try to make a buck off of other's fear and suffering. A big problem is we have been trained to just accept a company's claims as the God's honest truth, only to find out later, "studies" and "research" has been bought and sold for the end goal of PROFIT. Examples - the now-retracted 2020 "research" regarding HCQ that was used to get the EUA for the jabs and Remdesivir; the fake Pfizer "clinical trials"; et al. (I can't remember her name) but a Chief Editor of one of the prestigious scientific journals spoke out about the capture of their organization, basically stating no one could trust them anymore due to the money changing hands and if the researchers didn't find favorably for whatever they were funded to study, then in the future - those researchers wouldn't be getting anymore grants or funding for other research. So, now one must be even more cautious about what info comes from where!

If there is a valid study, it shouldn't be a problem just posting a link. An unwillingness to do so is a huge red flag. 🚩

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Good morning. For me, the Substack messaging feature often won’t work, just FYI. Yes, it is terrible the amount of fraud and lies within the medical world, especially inside the Rockefeller medical journals. I finally realized how much fruad there was at the beginning of 2020 when they started making up crap about masks and HCQ. Thankfully, I already knew about all of the studies in the 3rd world countries who were successfully using HCQ. In addition, it was used to treat MERS and SARS CoV-1 decades ago, and I was familiar with how well it worked in those instances. Borax and MMS is helpful, but it does not degrade the hydrogel clots, or kill the DNA plasmids which make the venom spike glycoprotein. I also don’t know if it pulls the crystals out or dissolves the crystals to prevent kidney stones when they get flushed. It’s impossible to stay away from the nanotech, plasmids, and venoms, It’s in all of us. It’s in all the animals and plants since they are spraying it in the air via chemtrail SMART dust. If you’d like to get effective testing where you can see it, I just did a 3rd Treating Bioweapon Exposure article with video that explains what testing will show it all. Have a wonderful weekend!

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I tried to send you a substack message but it didn't go through. It was an explanation about why I edited my original comment...

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deletedMay 17Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM
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I've learned quite a bit more since then regarding anything nano sized being toxic to the body because it enters the cells, and if it isn't naturally supposed to be in there, it damages the cells and renders their function inert. I've learned that silica (which is part of both natural and synthetic zeolites) is highly toxic to the body, and causes emphases, cancer, and other immune dysfunction. Some of the literature says that zeolites actually clean the extracellular fluids but sequester the metals inside the organs and the cells! So, all of that, says zeolites, no matter what company is making them, is likely not going to be a good choice. Especially when we have so many better options for binders and chelators that don't enhance the activity of the graphene, and are not toxic to the body. I'll be interested to see if he just tries to send you the lab work (which can all be manipulated and fraudulently created) like he did me, when I was asking for the study a few months ago. Let me know please!!

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