I didn’t expect to be revisiting this topic after 2 weeks passed with no response from Dr. Robert Young after I emailed him and Human Consciousness Support the completed previous article. For reference, you can view that article here:
However, Matt Hazen began emailing me yesterday and this post is a response to his ongoing questionable, manipulative behavior.
The first email said:
It was an accident that I included his phone number in the previous piece, so I edited it out and let him know I had done so.
It was clear that he also wanted me to remove the text explaining that I believed he recorded a new disclaimer video. That, I will not do because I am 99.9% sure that it is a revised video for three reasons. First, I remember him wearing a maroon shirt in the first disclaimer video. The current video has him in a white or light beige shirt. Can memories be wrong? Absolutely. But, is my memory wrong in this instance? I do not believe so. Second, when I went back to watch the disclaimer video two days after the email conversation that inspired this article, his demeanor had changed. He was notably nervous, whereas in the first video, he seemed calm. Third, in this newer disclaimer video, he said that they had to be careful about the kinds of claims they were making, and specified that he could not claim, “you will begin dreaming again.” He made this exact claim, verbatim, during the Tuesday night affiliate meeting I attended (in front of 75 other people). If that were in the initial disclaimer video, I would have remembered, and that would have been another reason I was concerned about his company related to fraud. Until I rewatched the disclaimer video, that statement was not a concern because it wasn’t said in the first one.
Hazen responds claiming that my piece was posted on the company’s Facebook page, because he was “being transparent.” He further explains that “other companies never post hitpieces, they remove or delete them.” I decided to go look at the Facebook page since he invited me to do so. Did Hazen or his company post my piece to allow transparency? No. It looks like a potential customer posted it, so Hazen is again being dishonest by inferring that the posting was done by him or someone within his company.
I responded:
Hazen wanted to continue trying to convince me that it wasn’t a new disclaimer video and invites me to take a look at the company’s Facebook page.
I responded:
By this time, I just wanted him to leave me alone. I posted my article. He continued to defraud the public, lol. I thought we were finished. And then, he sends this:
I did not spend countless hours nor weeks dealing with this man or his company. All of this happened, including writing my article, in a 4-5 day timespan. He had the audacity to lecture me about being honest. Pot meet kettle! The “tell the truth” tangent was epic gaslighting and was becoming too much, so I sent him a warning email advising him that he was bordering on harassment, which thankfully ended it for the day.
Two of the Human Consciousness Support customers ended up commenting below my initial article regarding the Facebook group and what was being said. Because Hazen invited me to take a look at the page where he suggested he posted my article, I decided to do so. I apologize sincerely for sharing his ridiculous post, but I just want anyone considering his company to understand what they can expect from this man.
From Matt Hazen posted on his Facebook group on or around 4/2/2024:
It is such a magical story! Especially since he changes the magical story yet again, regarding who took what, and when they took it, in the study! So, the zeolite powder was added 3 weeks into the study now, instead of the last 2 weeks of the 9 week timeframe which he had previously clarified? For reference, this is what he had most recently changed his story to.
So, did they take the zeolite powder in the last 2 weeks, or did they take it for 2 weeks, three weeks into the study? I would suggest that Hazen has no idea who took what and when they took it, but that doesn’t stop him from making shit up on the fly.
Hi Sarah thanks so much for posting this. I almost fell for this stuff while I listening to an interview on CRROWE777 (Episode 582) with Matthew Hazen. Despite CRROWEs endorsement I realized there was something off with this whole story from Matthew.
As for the invention he claims (around 20min in) to have been guided by a Chief Scientific Officer for Kansas State University who felt guilty for developing mrna technology patents and let Matthew use all his nano technology labs for free. He claims all this work would have cost about $150k.
In the interview he also presents a story to explain why he only tested 3 people.
I also looked into Dr Young and also see that in the recent lawsuit against him he apparently admitted in court he doesnt hold any of the degrees he advertises.
GREAT work Sarah.
Contradictions abound. And if I were a customer, that Facebook post would've done more harm than good.
Matt Hazan does not sound professional, and does not write like a professional (online tools provide those helpful spell and grammar check underlines for a reason!).
It also doesn't inspire confidence to know he's driving 2 rundown cars and living in a camper.
Some things are better left unsaid.
What was possibly intended to evoke sympathy and identifying with everyman/man on the street just raises in me the possibility of motive.
He has protested way too much, and none of this would have been necessary had he just provided the data that showed the results were legitimate.
The fact he refused to provide it confirms the results are not legitimate (otherwise it would be getting published everywhere he could post it).
Add to that his dubious partner representing herself as 2 test subjects, and this is not only disappointing, but outright fraud.
Thanks for your persistent digging and getting to the bottom of it. Much appreciated.