What do you say to the people who have taken Ivermectin and their stage 4 cancer is completely gone? Honest question. There is a whole stack that is about all the patients' stories of being cured of cancer and other horrible diseases after taking it and sometimes along with fenbendazole...This is all very confusing to those of us trying to navigate the current landscape.

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I would say that sometimes various pharmaceuticals appear to help heal, but they all are simultaneously damaging organs and systems. Why use gasoline to put out a fire? It will just cause a fire to pop up in another place.

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This is such bogus info. Counterintuitive to findings. Fenbendazole and ivermectin are doing wonders and the testimonials are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that this works. What did you have in mind for a solution?

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Read the damn article! There are multiple suggestions for solutions at the end. Most of the testimonials are coming from the CIA bot army, the so-called "Freedom" Big Pharma 2.0 doctors, and the Deep State alternative media.

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It’s shocking to me that, even those claiming to be aware of the faked pandemic & toxic jabs often uncritically swallow whole the propaganda around various other compounds.

Surely the only stance an awakened person can take is to withhold any trust at all in other products of the industry which poisoned billions?

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Are you saying Mike we should ignore people's choice #1 drug in testimonials ( at least top 10 but math so far #1-#4, still researching

Read 530 positive TESTIMONIALS ie about a 88 % approval rating seems still checking,#1 for extreme turnarounds with fenbendazol #2 there.

Really curious what your favorite anti cancer drug is Mike or just top 5 in general..you should know!?

Theory then becomes testimonials targeted for faking THEORY true!? They seem long ,emotional too me with last names verifiable many and videos too like no other drug did so well..then becomes they are all hyonotized too make up tumors etc but what if verifiable hospital records so many!?

Quite a theory you and Sarah have in the hypnotised ivermectin zombie people falsifying TESTIMONIALS at record levels,wow!! Are you guys advising we stand back far enough so they can't chomp our jugulars when we interview them for legitimacy? I think I'll bring a few raw steaks just in case SARAH theory is right and wrap them around my neck,ya never know,I've been wrong before!

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Trust or no trust pharma has us or are family members and friends poisoned but more by some drugs then others..we need to rate these drugs on toxicity charts based on not just studies as their corrupted but by actual injury death rates where used in controlled settings non study like hospitals and TESTIMONIALS sites , .attacking one drug of the flu ,covid protocol is ridiculous,we have to know which can assist likely and which can't and which are fast killers.as dodging all about impossible for our elderly trapped in system....no evidence ivermectin is a fast regular killer but tremendous evidence remdesivir is...not going there shows potential unhealthy in general agenda Mike..will you speak against paxlovid and remdesivir as being faster regular killers then ivermectin so we can believe in you here? Those are the 2 drugs are elderly are being pressured by Drs to take at hospitals after PCR positive by the hundreds daily,not ivermectin,less relevant in scheme of things.

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Read the article nothing close to solutions for stage 3 or 4 comparative or even stage 2,1 stage maybe but you know most won't change lifestyle so your scaring them from #1 cure potential cuz if unproven to this particular drug organ shift w umbrella argument= ridiculously weak arguments to fully non applicable...why ,who's funding ..what's your top 3-5 list then if other worst drugs if you really care so much..must be ton of people there to influence change Ms.saw health records and drugs used of hundreds patience for decades ex nurse so know s thing or 2 about worse drugs...

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yup kevin pay the account no mind, it's obviously some kind of controlled writeup by pharma shills.

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My apologies but I am quick to discount those who discount IVER and Fenbendazole treatments in a positive manner as my holistic Dr has been seeing positive results time after time.

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Even great doctors can be wrong sometimes. We are all human.

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Maybe he's a ivermectin zombie programmed to say that!

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Duh,cuz at stage 4 or your dead at 90 +% without #1 most effective drugs silly...did they brain control you to be dumb here? It worked!!

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These are accurate description(s) Iver mechanisms and inaccurate outcomes based on stacks of positive Iver users snd various applications for multiple medical improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988

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Just keep believing the propaganda, my friend.

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Lol we see you glowie

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Insisting that low to moderate short term doses of drugs will majority or always basically fail cuz of poisoning other body parts is a silly unproven premise. Of course that happens sometimes in minority unless long term use,who cares if your life was just saved by drugs in 1 to few days dose ie breathing drugs like ivermectin for example when option often is getting extreme poison drug remdesivir or getting vented,lung damaged/killed

Silly blanket statements have no place in science or medicine or even organic herbs which also kill occasionally..

Pharma corps have control of most of our packaged food as well...shall we tell the poor not to eat cuz there's corruption in the world? No,you compare and contrast least toxic to most until we're safely in heaven...very irresponsible to want to deprive people of most effective,least toxic meds when you know damn well their unavoidable for 90 plus percent of us...as if we lived in a free unoppressive society,where our elderly have a real choice..

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Dr. William Makis, a Canadian former oncologist, writes verrrrry frequently on Substack about his cancer patients' great successes with Ivermectin. I believe him to have integrity and great knowledge. But I also believe Sarah embodies the same qualities.

I'm just so incredibly confused about Ivermectin!

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Hi Katherine. Makis may have been fooled by the psyop or, he may be controlled opposition. I was convinced for 1-2 years that Peter McCullough was sincere and working to help humanity, but he isn't sincere and he isn't working to help humanity IMO. He is working to sell the idea of Big Pharma 2.0 since many no longer trust Pharma 1.0. I don't really follow Makis' work enough to have an opinion of whether or not he is sincere. That said, I struggle to understand how any of these doctors have missed making the connection that Big Pharma and allopathic medicine was founded for the purposes of eugenics and depopulation. I was just as indoctrinated by my education and nursing practice as these docs have been. But, when I began to see the ridiculous amount of fraud in the allopathic journals, I began to question how many more drugs were being praised in these journals but were created for harm. That led me on a 5 year journey that has resulted in the conclusion that ALL pharmaceuticals are intended for harm. It is a business model. Sell products under the guise of treating illness that cause more illness. By doing so, they ensure more and more people have more and more health problems, and therefore spend more money on allopathic care and pharmaceuticals. It's the Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop. At best, Makis is ignorant regarding this history and has been fooled by the Ivermectin psyop. He is further still being fooled regarding the fact that all pharmaceuticals enable the continuance of the Big Pharma business model. Thank you for reading my articles and for the kind words in your comment.

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I'm ok w all or nearly all drugs more harm then good but what of parasite issue? Doesn't seem black walnut n like can cross barriers to kill sacs of parasites,eggs,waste,,puss,that firm cystst and rumours we call cancer..w a minority of exceptions non parasite toxin Lunps- but those draw parasites still cuz of low ,dead tissue frequency...

Answer may be: if your dying ie stage 3-4 ,ivermectin , fenbendazol dice roll makes sense w certain precautions that Sarah is going to announce in a list #1 being dodge DMSO...

Otherwise way too Russian roulette and brain control risk thing so here's my top 5 list of options.. short n sweet...

Hulda Clarks parasites zapoers and related any good?

So important to offer short rememberal protocols to extent possible...then seperately long form back up for interested in depths of it ..

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In a purist utopian, heaven should be our goal sense I agree Sarah,kill pharma entirely and rebuild...but until even close to that ability vastly more important to outline in the here and now and next decade which drugs our worst,best,not to mix (cuz they don't tell long list),which to microdose under specs and why ie your ivermectin dose dependent to crossing brain barrier section you need to paraphrase EVERWHERE...dodge generalities kess gripping.. ETC..tighten it up to insect,is brain comparison, barrier cross, dose related and you'll shock the ivermectin lovers..dodge the lesser issues and politics they're versed to argue in .

Problem with your 100 percent attack on ivermectin is you admit problem of parasites and cancer connection.. you admit seemingly it's curing ,remissioning a previously unseen percent of stage 3-4 cancers,you admit nothing is stopping the cancers faster for this percentage in the alternative..but you won't advocate for it's use even likely due to 2 factors 1)nano brain control thing and a low percent of serious observed side effects and 2) that supports a evil pharma monopoly in general.

People don't care about politics when dying...even knowing evils and risks I've agreed w you on I'd take ivermectin at lower doses to save my life in probability of it being my best chance but only after trying fenbendazol with less side effects they say.

Until you and your troops take over the pharma, govts will you steer some people to most successful top 1% of drugs in existence ie fenbendazol likely rating 1 to 10 of all time?

Does fenben have same brain barrier issues .if not would you kindly point to that cuz if you can't allow any seperations of drugs by performance due to corruption in the world corporations ie pharma you need to put that forward off the topro be honest here with your debating drugs and related issues audience I'd argue.

We aren't in utopia heaven yet,we have to utilize shades of gray at our disposal some brighter then others,if we only reach for pure white we will have a emptier hand and our own kind of fantasy world,not helping at that extreme Sarah,we need to sort out the specific delusions in the here and now and pick from the best,Utopia is a fantasy when that be demons around,only heaven is divided from them, political, economical movements won't cleanse pharma or any group or body,only get it to a lighter grey's, colors if you will..

You might consider studying the drug and herb TESTIMONIAL sites like pubmed- search testimonials ivermectin and say top 30 drugs and their complexities.

DMSO and best herbal antiparasitic and zapper type techs may cure cancer, ETC.

Nano tech still studying:Anas EDTA and vitamin C scrambled weak protocols are obviously not a full passionate attempt to help us...many more elements needed..

Methyleneblue is producing about 3O % medium severe side effects on boards Ana ignoring..plus it dyes your cells blue which is having morphic altering effects according to some critics and assisting nano to that end I suspect..for one so pure against pharma why the exception here Sarah,side effects more common then ivermectin on the TESTIMONIALS!

So yea,Im excited about your take on alot but invariably I find little to big issues w everyone...and myself even...I'm like the humblest person ever!ha!

Your push on the ivermectin brain barrier dose related overdosing issue is gold...you should repeat those dose maximums safe everywhere and deal with first the problems at hand this month,year in those effected,Maybe wait till say 2027 at least to shut down pharma entirely ok SARAH it's still gonna be a quite a chore on that schedule for ya! Ok again love your stuff and direction in general,but details count,people need specifics today, fenbendazol # 1 curing quick cancer death drug and possibly many diseases...like to see your list of top 10 drugs and top 10 natural cures..peoples attention span is about a 1/8 of what it was a decade ago!

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Don’t be. It’s all fear tactics. It works and my holistic doctor is getting amazing results from his patients. See Dr Phan on Substack as he will tell you firsthand what a miracle this is.

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It's an extremely deceptive writeup. Substack is infiltrating the truther community with anti-supplement propaganda. Those supplements listed, especially, along with Ivermectin, are all very safe, and quite useful.

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I've seen miracles with ivermectin in dogs for ages and have a friend who cured a horrible cancer with it....

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Hmmm, Rothschild...Where have I seen that name before?🤔

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I'm not a Rothschild, it's a very obvious joke you tard-muffin.

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I will take Billions of success stories against one or three well (too slick timing actually) presented sprinkled with apparent speculative and journalist inspired articles

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That's very smart. Sarah didn't even write this crap, it's a glowie account now, controlled opposition. Sarah had a completely different personality and writing style, didn't gaslight anyone either. Like Agent and Medicine Girl, also anti-supplement, anti-ivermectin glowie accounts. Ivermectin is literally 100% safe. It was legitimately--and remains--difficult to get during COVID. And cancer patients have to get it from TN, overseas, etc. Obviously, it works. Pharma is trying to see what us truthers will fall for.

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Bro, I write absolutely every word of every article in my Substack publication. If you think it's crap, don't read it. If you support Pharma, you will not like anything that I write about health because EVERYTHING made by Pharma is intended for harm and you will never hear me rah-rahing toxic Medical Industrial Complex drugs.

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I don't support pharma; you do.

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Good morning, Heather. I came across this article yesterday that shows how Ivermectin may temporarily kill off cancer, but damages DNA and organs profoundly, basically insuring the cancer comes back with a vengeance later, and the body's self-healing mechanisms will be far less capable of fighting it. https://timtruth.substack.com/p/ivermectin-is-cytotoxic-and-genotoxic?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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We have to CONSIDER a massive wave of controlled people posting lies about ivermectin ie thousands being safe and effective for them...I'd have said impossible 4 years ago but I can't be certain .For example I remember reading bits and pieces of ivermectin eating insects minds away and danger there for us a bit and somehow forgot it till now! Weird!

Seems if ivermectin works by blocking and adding key chemical in brain till insect is dead or damaged and does so by crossing protective brain barriers and can admittedly cross ours too in medium to high dose commonly given there's a plot afoot to damage our brains and possibly to allow nanotech easier access to brain synapses ie control...

Seems there's a concerted effort to keep 99% if us from know brain barrier issue...which is also dangerous as there's many drugs, foods,drinks that physilitate barrier compromise,most famously DMSO,very popular with the holistic ivermectin combo gang...wouldn't you be facing potential great brain damage or worse if you take at same time as ivermectin?WHERE ARE THE WARNINGS TO DODGE DMSO,ETC ON IVERMECTIN? ANSWER IS:NO WARNINGS- COLLATERAL DAMAGE OK TO THEM WITH DMSO USERS,ETC,ITS ALL ABOUT THE MASS AGENDA=NANOTECH EASY ACCESS TO BRAIN SYNAPSES TAKEOVER THRU BLOOD BRAIN BARRIERS!? MAYBE!ONLY LOGICAL EXPLA. I CAN FIND...


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it isn't sarah anymore greg, the account must have been taken over by pharma's glowies.

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You're being ridiculous. If anyone on Substack disagrees with the Big Pharma 2.0 Freedom doctors, they must also be Big Pharma agents? How does that even make sense to you? It's funny that you (a self-labeled Rothschild) and Greg, who has been hounding me relentlessly with a barrage of rambling comments for days now are joining forces to talk crap together. You two are the ones supporting Pharma as you both rave on about the supposed healing sanctity of avermectin pesticides and accuse me of being a Pharma agent.

Egos gentleman. It's easier to believe that I'm somehow the enemy than to consider that you've been fooled by the Big Pharma 2.0 Freedom docs.

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Hmmmm,what specific differences in style tipped you off?

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Say this, Pharm has Long Arms. Misinfo. disInfo. And Damn Lies!

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So weird it was used safely for about 70 years.

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Has it? That's interesting, because it has long been used as a sterilization drug in 3rd World countries. It has also always caused acute kidney injury, liver damage, and neurological injury. It also has always been known to damage the immune system by suppressing NK and T-helper white blood cells. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry has published 50 years or so of absolute bullshit propaganda similar to what they have published regarding the miracle of vaccines, stating how "safe and effective" their depopulation drug is. I guess if that is what you are reading, then yes, we have been TOLD that it has been used safely for a long time now.

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I’m with you on the jab but why would farmers and ranchers give ivermectin to their breeding stock throughout the life of the animal if it caused sterilization?

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Likely, because they don't realize it has those side effects.

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Because the cows and horses fertility window differ and most would be past "breeding" window for viable profit. We live longer and have a different fertility window. The farmers would be culling or putting their stud animals out to pasture, before the effects are likely noticeable. Besides, its not just about fertility, its about docility, pliability.😉

I dont recommend it to anyone who DOESNT have stage 4 cancer diagnosis. For obvious reasons. But primarily because it messes with the microtubules in the cells and that stops your ability to create your own internal light within your mitochondria and cell signalling. Means you are more suceptible to disease states in general and it shortens your life span. But nobody likes mentioning the D(epopulation) word.😑🙄 Not when its such a good seller again, despite being off patent.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Dale,you've made a very relevant comment..I feel present day ivermectin not matching brain barrier bashing descriptions ie may have switched to frequency drug and inert material.. anyway can you cite a few animal studies and doses and length of time on drug,years studied...the extreme of ivermectin are on the net but so are the contradictions mellowness prevalence...they're messing with Sarah ,so I'm trying to rescue her and figure this mystery out before she melts down and they have to scoop her up with SPECIAL white coats!

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I’m sure those studies are out there for any one interested enough to look them up. In my opinion the lions share of ivermectin is used by farmers and ranchers whose primary interest is breeding stock. If it caused any problems they would use something else.

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Thank you for posting!

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I have challenged it as well. I won’t take any AMA crap, just got out of my unheated pool in Az. About as close as I get to a real cold plunge… I try to be as natural as possible.

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Thinking about how we acknowledge elites pharma lie about things yet suddenly Sarah we trust them on things like RNA and DNA and say how ivermectin kills w chemical alterations crossing brain barrier,well what if they lied there a bit too?.

Rumours have it many drugs no longer contain original chemical elements and have been switched to the bio resonances and frequencies that matched the original material.I fact online they sell such patches and even downloavle programs with meds frequencues and allegedly they work to 50 percent of dense physical product their imitating at frequency level.

One if the Advantages bragged was reduction of side effects . Conspiracy goes change was made largely about a dozen years back and over third drugs are inert material w crystals grinded in mix to hold frequency better.

Don't know if all above us true but some is and TESTIMONIALS exist including athletes ETC

I cover this cuz ivermectins lack of serious brain damage and deaths that occurred earlier or by theory are happening seemingly in under 1 to 5 percent max if recipients many using massive daily doses . They should be veggies or dead by a large portion,just not happening unless theirs a larger conspiracy to have many falsifify testimonials,a hundred or so on your stack alone Sarah!

No evidence is strong were not dealing w the drug ivermectin as it's described.

Deep dive on frequency drugs needs doing.

The evidence that bacteria can transfer thru closed crystal not glass is relevant here as well..I'll get back to you on that study..lotta woo woo on it but matches ancient crystal lore and witch wand lore...yikes! Be good!

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If so it would show up in pubmed.com testimonials..where every drug is reviews by hundreds of patients...it's not showing Sarah...You worked nurse administration for years and many people in that position end up working for PHARMA...you have the opportunity in that position to hear of what drugs are better then others... Ivermectin has panacea like qualities helping many diseases and is gentler then most chemo drugs that fail to cure...when people have a year to live they don't care about rare side effects..you refuse to cite large cross reference study's for a reason cuz they prove radical side effects are rare w ivermectin You never cite how common they are,just that it happens....Without prevalence % clarified you have zero point

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But wouldn’t they see those effects, their business is literally built on those animals getting pregnant.

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Obviously, they don't. It doesn't cause 100% infertility. It causes somewhere between 30-60% infertility when taken consistently with humwns and in mouse and rat studies. Idk much about how farmers and ranchers treat their animals with these drugs. If they are treating them daily, I would expect that they would definitely note a decrease in pregnancies. However, if it's used as parasite maintenance and possibly given once a month or every couple of months, the effects may not be quite as dramatic as the 30-60% infertility rate aforementioned.

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In Africa they call it their Sunday pill or something. Indicating one dose a week.. I’ve never heard of any one taking it 365 days a year. Even with high dosage for cancer treatment they take a week or more off here and there.

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Interesting regarding Africa. It's not supposed to be taken more than once every 3-12 months according to the sources I read.

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I’m as sensitive as a petal and felt fine taking it for a short course. Garlic can harm the brain and poison you, it depends on dose and weighing up options.

Water can kill you. I used quite a strong toxin and managed to regrow my injured tooth as a result… that was a win overall i think.

Extreme fitness/exercise can damage the brain and fertility too .. as can veganism . Medicine used to be about weighing up the various options, now we seem to be back to thinking in black and white :(

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Look, if you want to take avermectin pesticide and call it "medicine," be my guest. I don't understand people getting indignant over an article that is well-sourced and shares true information regarding a Rockefeller drug. I even specifically talked about dosing and gave examples of the fact that Pharma 2.0 organizations like the FLCCC are advising people to take doses that are 2-3x what the manufacturer says is "safe and effective." Furthermore, it's a single dose drug that isn't supposed to be repeated more than once every 3 months, but people are being advised to take it daily for several days, weeks, or months. Did you even read the article? There was a few paragraphs specifically regarding dosage.

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When ones health goes south parasites get out of control,our body amps go down and we're closer to dead flesh they are designed to compost .

Additionally they're using parasites to build lipids and other structure,protein components that bind to graphene and plastics. So doses of ivermectin that previously did more damage then good are not anymore..but I agree w you it' too toxic a dose..please consider dirtying your hands and actually recommending specific low and high maximums for avg body weight ie 175 before washing your hands of affair to help the people this month and year who are to be over poisoned and brain damaged..if not you then who? Nobody! Do this and I'll spread it everywhere...Ivermectin is simple death poison won't FLY,lower dosing can fly and help thousands if put tightly and advertised right . fenbendazol same..again check out pubmed reviews...all 6 top cancer drugs are antiparasitics

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Hi Greg. The article shares the recommended dosages for Ivermectin.

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Sarah,you did best on this reply against ivermectin lover saying dose thing..but name that dose and avg mistaken dose in one sentence everytime so people remember and question it longer,harder,, Rockefeller and Garden of Eden not helping here...I agree their evil but it's pick your poison drug and poison water,foodtime..some don't hurt or kill much at right dose...others it's bad fast...that's where we're at in the here and now

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Alternative health folk are telling people to take massive doses of bitter almonds too .. and black pepper is a well researched carcinogen. Things are not simple.

Evil farmers selling almonds and pepper ? it is just more complicated.. ive lived on an AI healthy diet and lifestyle and got sick .. friends who took fenbendazole and antibiotics were healthier than me .. so it clearly isnt straightforward. I know heaps of natural health people who are sick , and people who've taken IVT all their lives who are fit and well, with fit and healthy children . it's complex.

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Please tell me and anxious world study on garlic brain damage! I should be a veggie!

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Thousands of years worth of writing on that subject.

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I see nothing on garlic brain damage ie onions too?can you back by even a study,site or such, anything..

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Certainly not daily, maybe 3 times a year and alternating with fenbendazole or some other to prevent resistance and get different parasites.

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Very interesting as I threw it out about a year ago. It dawned on me that all this “consumption” was fear based! Once dispelled a normal mind will ask the question: do I need this?

We are on our own! Mistakes were made.

Did nature produce it? I went back to food and essential oils with an occasional mms drink to remove parasites. Only as needed once confirmed beyond a doubt. Lots of snake oilers salivating at your fear.

It is a minefield. Walk very slow if at all.

Find love and ignore the fear mongers..

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most essential oils are carcinogenic too .. its just about dose and need. if youre only taking ivermectin out of ‘fear’ you probably dont need it. Others take it to cure a genuine problem.

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I'm sure Merck and the rest of Big pHarma appreciate your staunch support. Go eugenics!

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I’ll play it safe without or products from nature. Enjoy the Now!

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It’s not staunch .. and I’ve criticised them all my life .. but i’m a grown up who knows some medical interventions *sometimes help. I’m a bit freaked by the simplistic arguments online these days. Influencers who never actually had to run a hospital or help people. Life is complex.

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This is not complex, it's simple. Anything made by Pharma is intended for harm. And, I've been an RN for 17 years just FYI. The article is filled with facts and has all of the information well-sourced. Again, if you want to take the drug, go for it! Pharma appreciates your business.

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Have to agree with Yeowoman - if not 'life' in general, certainly THIS issue is complex.

That said, your post is so comprehensive, explanatory, and well presented that I'm rather in awe of your research skills. I've been investigating the matter of BBB-crossing substances being used overtly or surreptitiously for the past couple of weeks.. and the DREADDs thing stayed completely off my radar. Kudos! Ivermectin aside, you've opened a few more doors.

But with regards to that substance... yes I'm confused along with a lot of other folks. There's another doc in Canada who has been a proponent of ivermectin - and is currently being persecuted to an amazing degree - passport cancelled, etc., and I've a lot of respect for his work. How he can be... as you say of Makis...or at least imply, 'controlled opposition' is really a puzzle for me... even as a third degree 'conspiracy theorist!' Maybe getting a little deeper into that conundrum - instead of just blowin folks off with the 'enjoy your Pharma' tag line - would be a fruitful exercise?

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Hi there. I don't listen to Makis and I'm not familiar enough with his work to have an opinion regarding why he is still promoting Big Pharma drugs and is a piece of the Ivermectin psyop. He may be unaware and is simply brainwashed by his education and decades of practicing allopathic medicine. That said, I struggle to understand how anyone in the allopathic medicine world, who realized the C19 shots were deadly and that we were being lied to about everything health-related during the plandemic, could stop at questioning only the mRNA shots. I was also indoctrinated by my education and believed I was doing good work as an allopathic nurse. I became a nurse because I wanted to be able to help people in times of disaster. Medical missions teams were traveling to help people in the Middle East in my church and I wanted to have a skill that could help also. When I saw that all of the health agencies and governments and pharmaceutical companies were lying about everything C19, I began questioning everything, and each time I did a deep dive into a medical topic, I found that we were being lied to about those topics as well. How has Makis never questioned the PCR? The box literally says on it, "not a diagnostic tool." How has he never looked into the founding of allopathic medicine and realized that Rockefeller changed the entire medical model by strong arming schools into teaching his models of disease. The Rockefeller Foundation was founded to further the eugenics movement. If you understand that a eugenicist founded allopathic medicine changed all of the theories of disease, got rid of all natural substances being used for healing, and forced his petroleum-based drugs sales upon all medical students, why would that not make you begin to question the entire system? 100% of Allopathic medicine is based on fraud. The drugs are all marketed with fraud. The trials are all set up and carried out using fraud. The journals are all filled with fraud. Pharmakia means sorcery. You don't have to be religious to understand that pharmaceuticals manipulate the body and rarely heal anything...its magick. In the instances they do actually treat an infection, like antibiotics or Ivermectin, they damage other organs and systems in order to keep the public sick and needing more and more drugs and treatment. It's a business model. So, why doesn't Makis know any if this? I find it very hard to believe that intelligent providers who got a glimpse behind the curtain during C19, decided that the C19 plandemic was the ONLY time this industry has promulgated fraud, abuse, harm, and death.

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Not so fast there Sarah,you know very well there's exceptions to that rule in the minority and to blanket statements cuz you hate them and those that run pharma ie your idealogyy: supporting any pharma drug is a soul sellout to evil group making it all thrust is unfair to those who are dying after being hit by a car or will die if they don't have an operation or the smaller percentage of drugs that short term prevent fast worst illness or death like bronchial dilaters when your not breathing and you want to dodge killer ventilators...

But you know all this cuz 1) it's common knowledge 2) cuz you've seen lives saved by such emergency treatments by the dozens if you worked as a nurse.

So why the blanket statement exaggeration that diminishes your own credibility here,do you have an AGENDA or can you correct yourself and regain some credibility.

As my other replys said Im with you on much but exaggeration is a form of lying and shows lack of care for honesty in whatever your quest is. Please fix!

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What exaggeration? All Pharma-made products are intended for harm. That is a fact. Even normal saline is now filled with the nanotechnology, so there is nothing they make that is benign. Yes, if you get into a car accident, you may need a bone reset, an organ repaired, or a blood transfusion. Those are extreme examples that are incredibly rare. I didn't say that all surgeries are intended for harm. I said all Pharma-made products are intended for harm and that there is always a natural alternative.

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Studies please on essential oils causing cancer..most oils are tainted..ones that are not heal

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They are refined and strong. Of course they can kill you, like anything else. Like i said it depends on dose.

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Especially if taken orally...however we absorb more thru skin often ie it's said a 10 min minute shower absorbs you more fluoride then a week of drinking avg amount..

So yes Yeowman, overdoses are happening w essential oils and promotors irresponsible in not stating limits,safe doses 99 percent of time.

That said most testify benefitting and problems rare enuff where system is largely floating well...still VARIANCES in toxicity must be extreme...

Solution: start slow, research dosing from multiple sites,don't use cheap oils,monitor your Self on reactions carefully

We need to calculate which oils most toxic,which brands ,etc and min,max doses cuz it is a drug form period!

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Hogwash. Pharma is infiltrating the truther movement by creating their own anti-supplement truther b.s. Ivermectin kills cancer in some cases, and those supplements listed are great and completely safe for anyone who knows what they're doing and has taken supplements before.

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🎯💯👏 The only other one who sees exactly whats going on here.

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The fear porn has gotten out of control. I was questioning your intentions with these posts but then I really knew what was up when the list was given. I see exactly whats going on here. Folks, don't listen to everyone just bc they're on SubStack and sound like they know what they're talking about. They're leading you astray. Wolves in sheep's clothing are EVERYWHERE. Discernment is your best friend.

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This is a fantastic, deep dive article! Much to consider. Thank you.

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Bill Gates has his hand in ivermectin. Enough said.

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Just tried to LIKE this and it literally kept going off. It wouldn’t accept on LIKE. They’re desperate to attack every aspect of SS.

A very timely topic and clearly it’s also if interest to these cyber predators whom I have visioned practicing these types of rituals to zombify our planet. These Archons have a keen interest and practices in voodoo.

Thanx for the info about why they’re pushing this particular drug‼️ Always something nefarious😒

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Oh, my gosh. I've been reading for quite a long time now trying to decide what course of action to take combatting or mitigating nanotech as best I can. Believe me, I've been tempted many, many times toward one solution or another. Yet...when the time came actually to pull the trigger, I couldn't, or I found after just a few doses that I felt "off" and stopped. I began to realize that much of what's promoted (I'm not blaming people) didn't work well for me and began and limited my response to natural only products with no adulterations. Anything which was a chemical or chemically derived was tossed from consideration. I've currently got a program totally limited to natural substances like herbal tinctures or products derived wholly from food sources. I consider only organic products and the method of distillation or preparation. We'll see what happens. So, yes, I very easily believe that Ivermectin leads to the consequences you draw.

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You can't still possibly think anything, vegetables/herbs or anything else is still organic, or clean? There's no possible way. The people that plotted this out took every single thing into consideration, and did it long before anyone could have taken anything into consideration to combat it. Just embrace your future zombie-ness.

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I find your thinking self-defeating, Steveo, but firmly believe to each his own. I also think consciousness levels can change DNA and structure of products we ingest. We are extremely powerful electromagnetic beings...which is why "they" float so much fear which blocks such explorations.

I must disagree about "took every single thing into consideration." In looking at reports, I often see the complete mess "they" are making. They don't have a unified approach to creating hybrid humans. This conclusion is obvious and transparent. Read Ana Mihalcea's recent column. They've, at best, polluted lungs and bodies with heavy metals and nano, and the nanos cannot form a hybrid structure at this point. On a nano level, they can "connect" and recognize each other by "lighting up." This achievement is a far cry from a synthetic hybrid human.

"They're" flailing. They're using, essentially, a shotgun approach and conducting real-time human trials. Serious? Yes. Species ending? Nope. You must be wise enough to employ what is so popularly called "discernment" these days.

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I'm sorry, but I'm a realist, and not defeafed at all. I understand this is evil vs good and its so rampant because things are getting closer to an end. I'm excited. I read Mihalceas work, and it actually proves my point how polluted our bodies are. Sure they can heal and recover but they have many avenues to attach the body. Like the planet as well, but overall it's sick, and becoming depleted. I've also read Klauss Schwabbs work (4th Industrial Revolution, as well as decades of research into the UN, which is actually what we're seeing at play now, Hawaii, CA, NC, etc., and the Day tapes. Psychopaths like these people think on a different level, and have taken everyrhing into consideration, they have people employed pro vitamins, anti-vitamins, everything single topic. The goal for them is to make it impossible for us to teust, or believe anyone, media, goverment, medical professionals. They manipulate societies, families in every possible way. To the extent of women owning property, women smoking, voting, women becoming the majority in the workforce, creating the Mr. Mom. Down to enfluencing style of womens clothes to sexualize women/girls by having lines on their pants pointing to their privates as if they were arrows. Many people are waking up to it now but it's been going on for decades so everyone is so far behind how long it's been done. When you combine the players involved in this, along with the new players, Theil (Palantir👈) Vance, Musk, AI, it's actually all coming together. Remember 2030 is the goal. Maybe they'll make it, maybe it will take longer but I know how the book ends!

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Oh...I can't disagree with you. The public is "hooked" on their drug of technology...primarily the cell or smartphone...their fascination and love of AI and VR. Their neural pathways have been altered. When my second husband was dying of cancer, strange psychic phenomena occurred to me. I know the planet will suffer darkness which will cloak everything. Yet, I fear absolutely nothing. Believe me, I guarantee you, they will be overthrown.

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I like this response most,we can connect to virtuous, sinless path that demons cannot penetrate in the ethereal and damage they can do to us is limited greatly and our path has God waiting for us open arms!

They use Tzu's Art of war tacts in all mainly over playing the density of their weaponry and it's abilities with a terror campaign of ruthlessness or they underplay it and lie in wait... translation: much if the it's over give up tech actually isn't there yet or isn't working cuz ultimately God limits evil infiltrations to his saved people but must allow by justice and lesson a display of what happens when you sell out to demons enroute to hell... justice,yet merciful forgiveness and cleansing of demons for the repentant who hate evil,love good. purification and divide happening now..but evil among us also purifying and getting really sneaky,nasty...good guys stand up to that caring for for spirit then flesh.. yea we may really see those ghilotines soon, meantime we get cleaner,better,more alive as they die inside with their demons eating them inside out,either way rough ride segment ie endtimes is here and I search for other like hearted people like you Sarah,but I've yet to find anyone I agree w on everything,not even myself ie I change my mind,ha! Ohh well!

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The zombies I see are all stupid political people. That believe the left or the right when they are the same group! And any one that believes in any thing the CDC & the WHO puts out. Anyone that trust doctors or politicians. People lining up to get their children and themselves injected with so called vaccines.

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Other things warp us. Here is the Dental Deception part 1 link:


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Dr ARDIS generally favors ivermectin though he is Mr Anti VENOM..he believes COVID was partly venoms sprinkled about.Is he wrong and why?

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No, he wasn't wrong regarding the venoms being a piece of the bioweapon. Dr. Carlo Brogna has proven that. However, the bioweapon has multiple mechanisms of injury. The DNA plasmids make the foreign proteins (venoms and potentially other foreign proteins). And, my understanding is, the Quantum Dots direct the DNA plasmids regarding how to build the venoms. Basically, they hold and present the mRNA recipes so the DNA plasmids know what to build.

Regarding the Ivermectin...

Even amazing doctors can get things wrong sometimes. He is likely looking at all of the Rockefeller journal studies showing how effective Ivermectin is, AND, we need to remember that holistic medicine practitioners still receive Rockefeller education (indoctrination). The psyoppery is incredible and it's hard to know what is true and what isn't. Ardis and many other practitioners are trusting the wrong people, like Dr. Peter McCullough, and trusting the wrong sources, like the Rockefeller journals, because it has nor yet crossed their mind that both are tools of the Medical Industrial Complex. I like Ardis, but even Ardis can get things wrong. Many holistic providers have, likely because they have not yet done deep dives on how and why allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry were started.

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I don't believe study's anymore ...only thousands of testimonials both online and backed in person that ivermectin won better then any other drug for flu and blood issues ie clumping cells and nano particulates...shown in videos with microscopy...and cures in hours...real flesh and blood people,real names first and last often with medical records ..go to pubmed.com to see

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Greater point is there thousands of drugs and only a small fraction by your own arguments represent the risk level of the top riskiest drugs ie top 15 percent you infer ivermectin is in so by your own thrust some drugs are drastically safer then others..

If there was an antidote type of drug for as many conditions as ivermectin claims to effect there would logically have to be an attempt to limit it's distribution to people ,this has in fact occured if you follow it's history from the beginning ie it's vets only nearly push to only parasites no cancers please despite it's own studies showing it beats other chemo drugs and the tips of those dual as extreme anti parasitics..

The links of parasites to cancer and other diseases coverup over a century long,many Drs outright killed for pushing it.

For you to be more right then wrong screw the studies as all subject to systematic manipulations as countless court cases have proven many under state gag orders in end...

You have to disprove testimonials,including the many replying to you and allover substack as well as most impressively likely pubmed.com...youve not gone there and you ignore it...the negative testimonials are under 5 percent as good as it gets and hundred of testimonials.ost long and emotional,not fake short n biz oriented we all see a bit,some there but way less then avg for a drug..no need to pay the fake posters w ivermectin

...could it turn into a turn key zombie drug at some point..of course but what does that small risk matter to someone facing the hospital kill protocols with all black box kill alot drugs ie paxlovid, remdesivir, others plus ventilation and toxic kill your pituitary gland crystal lithium and aluminum hollow rods ie Swab multi injection system in your nose...why no talk of that or fact that many testifying microscopy shows ivermectin clears Rouleuxe clumped blood and nano dots in hours nearly as well as fancy EDTA and that's why it's the only hope of those about to got hospital cuz they can't breathe.

They merely google natural health clinic local or any city and get a over the phone prescription for $150 to $250 or they go down to the vets or feed supply store and get horse paste version cheap and follow online dosing directions..

Never take any drug including ivermectin chronically..side effects can happen..start under dose rec and build to dose ie allergy's etc

I'll never take ivermectin unless I'm facing going to hospital and getting force PCR and force remdesivir and kill vent at that point I'm sucking up ivermectin playing better odds ..

Meantime study up on best flu natural remedies like salt water and baking soda gargle,baking soda 1/2 tsp to 8 oz water 4 x day,hydrogen peroxide gargle at 1.5 percent..honey and ginger expectorant ie 5 cups water,cup chopped ginger,2 lemons whole chopped , boil 20 min or 5 minutes if no ginger..8 oz every few hours slowly

Go to earth clinic.com and search flu top 10


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Believe what you want. I'm telling you, Ivermectin is a toxic, depopulation, mind and behavior control drug. You won't change my mind because I have done the research that backs my conclusions. Again, believe what you want. Take it and promote it if you want. At this point, I'm not reading the bulk of your very long, frequent, argumentative comments. You asked me a question. I shared my thoughts.

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For the record Sarah makes a case for ivermectin being a prime player as a mind control drug in potential only ,she fails to prove it so and she should stop saying read the article and make concise arguments backing mind control...that said the potentials are frightening and I again only recommend to those being sent to hospital to get PCR and paxlovid or remdesivir kill setup ie save granny,call the ivermectin clinic for prescription,screw it if they mind control Granny..just try to keep her away from the knives is all I'm saying in case SARAH is right ,one eye open for ivermectin - mind granny who likely now also has camera eyes Klaus n friends can see you with..keep your jammies on too ,don't risk it!

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Wow! I never researched ivermectin let alone to the same extent I examined hydroxychloroquine, but from the very start I suspected the ivermectin fad was shady because of its eerily unqualified promotion. HCQ + zinc + azithromycin + vitamin D3 was actually proven to effectively treat COVID-19 when administered ASAP, while ivermectin reeked of a diversionary scam. I'm guessing it served as the pillar of "controlled opposition" in the context of coronavirus to herd the masses into invermectin intake, watering down the HCQ debate into oblivion. This is at least my instinct.

Very detailed research, Sarah -- nice work, as I might have to read more of your Stack columns after this incoming Sabbath.

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Please take your hcq formula and test your blood before,after under microscope for clumping..thats what's causing breathing issues partly..ivermectin at 80 percent reversal clumping inside 3 hours AVG..

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What? I don't recommend Hydroxychloroquine. I don't recommend ANY Pharma-made products because they are ALL intended for harm. There are many, many natural substances that can treat absolutely any condition, and treat it without causing harm to your organs. Those are the substances I recommend.

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Any simple bumpkin can figure out that majority of elderly most largely in question will not feasibly be able to access new lifestyle natural remedies or do it long enuff to remedy an emergency illness especially can't breathe right now current emergency worldwide record flu symptoms ie chem nano conditions dump + EMF 5g radiation poisoning happening. ( TURN OFF YOUR ROUTER,PHONE AND SHIELD YOUR SNART METER WALL WITH $15 EMF CLOTH/AMAZON..5 G HOLDS YOUR CELLS OPEN CAUSING TOXIN INTERCHANGE!...)there only chance is least toxic of the breathing better drugs....nothing beating ivermectin or hydroxyqlouroquine....recent court cases have forced both back into some hospitals and nearly all clinics to dismay of pharma on mission to increase flu /phony COVID DEATHS so paid shills coming out of woodwork pretending to be warm-hearted with antivermectin agenda while also pushing all drugs too evil to allow immediately so as to be able to dodge replacement drugs question and even question of what's the other top few most toxic drugs we should care about thereby revealing to anyone with discernment there only care about ivermectin shpeel is for a nefarious reason....they aren't steering the elderly crowd to help but hindrance: By 1) withhold #1 testimonials drug ivermectin as too toxic

2)Not recommending clearly top safe flu and breathing assist drugs or MODALITIES

3)Not identifying clearly current hospital flu,COVID kill protocol= FAKE PCR,BLACK BOX PAXLOVID KILLER,black box remdesivir killer , ventilator ,500k payout to hospital only if they die!

4)not clearly recommending a easy natural remedy PROTOCUL,only scatterings of weak suggestions if any and not repeated!

Equals paid online elderly kill shills , pharma backed likely...what other logical explanation,some of them more thorough and offering legit natural alternatives knowing that 90+ percent of the elderly will not be able to access them at all or in time if not breathing..mind controlled unaware also possible with shills some concluding,either way feels like Germany WW2 shifted to modern high tech version..

I was convinced only days ago that anti ivermectin wave push was legit..but noticed these and other inconsistencies and dug more and found record number of great testimonials for ivermectin with record level of long emotional testimonials on pubmed.com, substack, everywhere and searched for a connect the dots reverse engineer motive for this phenomenon and found it in spades ie 1-4 aforementioned above..

.When you look at elites across the pond many look decent,even beautiful but they are shells people!They are here fooling you and killing your family and friends with tactics including attacking the #1 effective drug to in hours clear blood of cells clumping. They need to create for access a small percentage of the drugs that work and are relatively effective rest are meant to slow kill or dumb down,etc.. ivermectin at right dose is the best blood cleaner and Oxygenator and anti parasitics and more ,a super drug they need to downplay...the big ad push on conspiracy sites only is to fool you they're after you...it's the opposite it really is great and relatively safe ..however that could change anytime with planned contamination etc.so only use it if facing great illness , very bad Rouleuxe blood or they're about to kill your granny with the PCR n drugs orotocul- call your local or any natural clinic pay them $200 ish with credit card and head to pharmacy with your ivermectin prescription or get horse past version at vet ie "of course I have a horse silly" or at local feed store and check dosage videos on YouTube.

Avg person is breathing better in 2-3 hours with blood over 70% improved non Rouleuxe no clumped and oxygenating...why are we hearing crickets on this miracle EDTA like effect is like asking why majority of people won't admit that vaxx gives you blue tooth signal... scary mind influencing happening,some more immune then others s...

That said search earthclinic.com for top 10 flu remedies and breathing remedies..all natural.

Also to take 1/2 tsp baking soda 4 x day day to counter acidic throat lung tissue.

3 sea salt , 1 part baking soda throat gargle

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I am repulsed to see so many marketing this ivermectin poison to their flock.

I appreciate you getting the truth out.

Unfortunately, people will still poison themselves.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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Seems to be fictional nonsense to me but maybe my mind is controlled and I am therefore a zombie.

I’m sticking with my ivermectin.

This article has the slight hint of bullshit in it.

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Is there akot of missing dogs and cats and maybe slow kids in your neighborhood? Suspicious blood stains and strange lack of appetite sometimes= zombie for sure!( I try not to judge). Have you considered zombies anonymous ,I here it's great for finding that special one!

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Ever check your blood for Rouleuxe reduction after ivermectin,claim is 50-80 percent reduction and drastic increase if oxygen...we need over 10 people to verify .wanna help defeat these anti iver freakoids!

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Is it possible to some erudite researcher would verify if. ivermectin is in actual fact.. anti fertility? If so…it exposes the controlled opposition..limited hang out clowns who incessantly..surreptitiously insert abortifacients and anti fertility chemicals where they don't belong…there is no element ..even…of..”manufactured consent* in sterilizing uninformed people.

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Hi there. You can find plenty of animal studies in mice and rats proving reduced fertility, damaged sperm, etc. If it causes infertility I'm mice and rats, it causes infertility in us because our physiology is similar. That's the main reason they use mice and rats to test drugs for humans. And, here is a documentary where the stats and many if these animal studies are discussed: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1XpMb9azXdyE/

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Thank you and absolutely ..God Bless you and God Speed..but be amicably..respectfully informed..we posted a..tongue in cheek comment because we already knew Ivermectin does in certain metric amounts cause..and ..or....lead to infertility..but because so many *experts"conveniently.. omit all the real facts ..especially neoliberal arbitrary..emotional and ideological only type folks..we posted a question rather than a statement for the public s benefit The depopulation ..bioethics eugenics ..elitist cyborgs recommend all manner of surreptitious poisons..as we are sure you obviously know.*" We don't really write for the highly informed on Substack..we write for all who stumble across our posts.**Thanks again ..Dont-- Ever--Stop.....

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why so extreme ?? kale can damage health and reduce fertility .. dogs cant eat chocolate.. the issue is species specific and dose dependent . People drink wine or tonic water which are toxins to some degree , but they help prevent other things. Why are people suddenly forgetting about tradeoffs ? chamomile killed a goat in experiments .. cos they gave it far too much .

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Dear Yeoman..we Intuit this very fine comment of yours ....highlights intelligent balance..what we don'tike..which has nothing to do with your perspective..is the omission of facts by the putative white coated obvious..commercial..*experts" who don't bother specifically informing the public carefully"*. That's it ..not less**

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She won't point to any safer drug's or remedies if you can't breathe and your about to get toxic PCR nose jab,remdesivir kidney kill and vented finite by a hospital who's paid 10x avg $500k to do you...why no talk of remdesivir and vent if she's such a caring angel here?just freaking one drug that's the people's testimonials #1 ie it worked,I'm alive!!!

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You are being a bit extreme too. I virtually never take pharma medications and i would be able to help if someone were ill because I know my herbalism and alternative therapies pretty well.. I lived for years with no medications but became very ill.. maybe I should have taken an antibiotic ? I still dont know, but there are times I think they probably do help. There are times anaesthetics probably help too. Ive had a miracle healing from a quite toxic substance in small doses.

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Dose is everything nearly..Sarah and the rising just say no to all drugs contingent ignore majority of us stuck in a system where us or elderly,etc loved ones have little choice but to take some , therefore knowing which are really bad compared to sometimed effective is critical info and I believe thrust of anti all pharma drugs equally bad extremists wish to confuse that so a list of top safe,effective and worse ineffective drugs is not well formed in publics minds and masses end up taking all or more wide spectrum drugs to their detriment...

I couldn't figure out their radical stance until just this moment..rings so right and true...THATS IT,THATS WHAT THEY ARE DOING.!!!!!!!






(Oh and that's not speaking to the % who believed they were genuine in wanting to stop evil pharma and were fooled like myself for awhile..Granny is going to be forced to take meds likely..your best hope of minmizing damages is to educate her on which ones to ask for and refuse...tell her she can't take any and you'll be out of the picture fast of course!

Go to pubmed.com ,search for drug in question,then search for TESTIMONIALS...tells the story quick!

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