'Iver'-mectin Can Turn Humans Into Mind-Controlled Zombies By Manipulating Chloride and Calcium Channels in the Brain
Part 2 to The Diabolical Hidden Meaning of 'Iver'-mectin
About a year ago, social media was bursting with information swirling around the internet referring to the CDC’s documents related to zombie pandemics. The chatter heightened around the solar eclipse as so-called “conspiracy theorists” discussed the possibility of some sort of eclipse-related, light-triggered activation of the nanotechnology inside of us that could cause a portion of the human race to become violent lunatics, or mind-controlled, catatonic zombies. Please note, most were using the zombie definition of a relentlessly aggressive human, and not the definition of a reanimated corpse. I was one of them who thought this was fully possible.
Were the tinfoil hat-wearers just watching too many horror movies, or was there a legitimate reason we believed some sort of a zombie event was possible? Well, let’s see. The CDC has published zombie pandemic preparedness literature.
FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security were also publishing information related to preparation for zombie-related chaos.
All of the buzz got people curious, including me, and I began doing deep dives to see if this was potentially a reasonable concern. After all, the ongoing intentional nanotechnology poisoning of humanity, taught many of us that there isn’t anything our governments won’t do to their civilian populations— especially, if it will help them to move along their UN2030 Agenda.
Then, I found this gem. In 2018, FEMA published an entire guide for mitigation of a zombie apocalypse. Yes, they did have a small disclaimer on each page of the document stating it was fictional, and parts of it did seem to be an attempt at humor— but, anyone who has seen the globalist’s supposed “fictional” scenarios, like Operation Lockstep and Event 201, now realize that some of these documents and the simulations performed, are preparation and practice for events these psychopaths plan to manufacture. In short, if the technology exists and the scenario fits into the plans these bastards have been telegraphing, it would be foolish to assume these liars are being honest simply because they slap an “it’s fictional” label on the document.
FEMA's Guide for Mitigation of a Zombie Apocalypse (first two pages):
As much as some might laugh at the idea of “magic” being involved, I would encourage you to stay the laughter long enough to research the topic more thoroughly. “Magic” is slight of hand and parlor tricks, so yes, that being involved in contributing to an event is laughable. Magick, on the other hand, is something entirely different. The globalists practice an ancient, occult form of sorcery, termed magick with a “k.” Magick is a term that refers to the practice of ritualizing spiritual intentions. Anyone who has studied the research of Masaru Emoto can tell you that intention can significantly affect water, and because we are at least 70% water, when they use magick with nefarious intent, their spells can effect every cell in the human body.
Back to the Zombie Topic…
The eclipse came and went and tons of people were then posting about the perceived ridiculousness of the zombie apocalypse that never materialized. Well, my friends, give it some more time. If humanity continues to drive toward UN2030 while asleep at the wheel, the globalists will eventually be able to seize control of human brains using their AI control grid, our nanotechnology, transhuman-transforming bodies, and (wait for it…) Ivermectin! The nanotechnology has been being deployed for at least the past five years. It has been long confirmed to be in the food supply, drug supply, tap water, bottled drinks, on the PCR not-a-tests, and in the chemtrails being sprayed over all populations globally. It is inside all of us, and will be activated at some point in the not-so-distant future.
Solving the Zombie Puzzle
Why are the “Freedom” docs and countless media outlets promoting Ivermectin as the miracle cure for multiple health problems? It’s because ‘Iver’-mectin is one vehicle that enables control, possession, and zombification of the human brain. When I talk about “zombies,” I am not referring to the Walking Dead brand that move at a glacial pace and are reanimated corpses. I am referring to zombies similar to the World War Z or I Am Legend brand— humans who never died, and no longer have control over their brains or what they do with their bodies. Human and animal zombies in fictional television, usually occur as a result of an infection by a virus. I would argue that the zombification of real-world humans will also be initiated by a virus— the globalist definition of a “virus” is a toxin or venom. Ivermectin is one such toxin.
If you didn’t yet read my prior article on this topic, please make some time to get caught up by examining the article below. If you read this first, you will be missing several important jigsaw pieces that explain how I arrived at my conclusions that ‘Iver’-mectin plays an important part in hijacking the human brain.
It’s important to remember from my previous Ivermectin article, that “Iver” refers to the following:
It is a “stumbling block to the blind,” according to Chabad.org
It is “the mechanism by which evil is activated” according to Wikipedia
Tanin’Iver is the dragon-like steed of the female aspect of Lucifer in Kabbalistic lore; it can be “summoned to possess the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve,” and “to unleash pestilence upon the Earth.”
How Does Ivermectin Affect the Human Brain?
Ivermectin can manipulate ligand-gated chloride channels in the human brain.
Our brains also have calcium-activated chloride channels which regulate action potential and synaptic responses in hippocampal neurons. Because chloride effects calcium, these hippocampus neurons are also able to be manipulated with Ivermectin. The hippocampus is responsible for forming new memories, spatial navigation, and flexible cognitive processes, meaning it allows individuals to adapt their behavior based on past experiences and new situations. Brain fog and memory problems have been a frequent complaint of COVID-19 injected individuals, those who are shedding-injured, and many more with nanotechnology environmental exposure since the 5G tower rollout. I wonder how many of those struggling with memory have been taking Ivermectin?
You’ll note that Google’s AI explains that Ivermectin can’t affect mammalian chloride channels because of our blood brain barriers (BBB). Contrary to Google AI’s assertion, that is only true in doses described as being “therapeutic,” and assuming the BBB is fully intact. Therapeutic doses are between 0.15-0.2 mg/kg of body weight, and Ivermectin is usually recommended in a single dose. That single dose may be repeated 3-12 months later.
From Drugs.com:
From the Mayo Clinic:
What Dose of Ivermectin is Being Recommended by the FLCCC?
For active influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 infection treatment, they are recommending between 0.2-0.6mg/kg once daily for 2-5 days or longer.
This is from their MATH protocol for hospitalized patients.
For their I-CARE RSV and Flu treatment protocol, the FLCCC is recommending 0.4mg/kg once daily for 5 days.
For their I-CARE COVID-19 protocol, they recommend 0.4-0.6mg/kg once daily for at least 5 days or until symptoms subside.
Ivermectin Does Cross the Blood Brain Barrier.
When the serum concentration of Ivermectin is increased because the person is being advised to take higher doses (like the FLCCC is suggesting), or because they are using P-glycoprotein inhibitors, or because they have an MDR-1 gene mutation, or if the blood-brain barrier has been impaired, then it does readily cross the BBB and can significantly affect neurological function.
The FLCCC Alliance is suggesting 2-3x the highest, supposedly “safe and effective” Ivermectin dose. They are further encouraging the public to take a single dose drug for 2-5 days in a row, or longer. Many people have been taking it daily for months or years for COVID-19 prevention and for a whole slew of other ailments. As stated in the Ivermectin poster below, “In humans, Ivermectin doesn’t cross the BBB and no central nervous system toxicity has been described at therapeutic doses. However, CNS toxicity can occur in acute or chronic overdose.”
Note that the patient who overdosed in the Ivermectin poster case study below was described as taking 12mg each week for 6 months, followed by 12mg per day for 2 weeks, developing encephalopathy from this regimen. For a person weighing 130lbs, 0.2mg/kg/day dosing = 12mg/day. If they are being told to take 0.4mg/kg/day, that would be 24mg/day. If they are being told to take 0.6mg/kg/day, that would be 36mg/day.
What Weakens the Blood Brain Barrier?
The nanotechnology that has been contaminating humanity and our world for the past 5 years, has weakened our BBBs and made them much more permeable. Lipid nanoparticles and polyethylene glycol, aka hydrogel, especially, aid in assisting drugs to cross into the brain with greater ease.
The unnatural electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) we are all being exposed to from our wireless internet, SMART devices, and the 5G towers have further damaged our BBBs and made them more permeable. I would argue that this was one of the many reasons the globalists unrolled their worldwide 5G tower installation operation in 2020 and 2021.
What else increases serum Ivermectin enough to cross our now, more accessible blood brain barriers?
being intimate with a partner who also is taking Ivermectin
drinking caffeine
eating hot peppers
consuming black pepper
using alcohol
taking quercetin
taking curcumin
taking Vitamin K2 or retinol
drinking green tea or using green tea extracts
drinking grapefruit juice
using cannabinoids
consuming ginseng
taking milk thistle
taking nattokinase
taking omega 3 fatty acids
taking Vitamin E
consuming kefir
taking black seed oil
taking resveratrol
taking melatonin
taking magnesium
and, many more
The majority of substances listed above fall into the category of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitors. P-gp inhibitors are well-known substances in the medical world that interfere with the body’s P-glycoprotein detoxification pathways, allowing increased bioavailability of drugs and higher transport of drugs across the BBB. It is no accident that many of these compounds are being recommended by Deep State, Big Pharma 2.0 organizations like the FLCCC Alliance along with their Ivermectin protocols.
How Does Ivermectin Enable Mind Control?
Treatment with Ivermectin has been proven to affect the behavior of mice with abnormal P-glycoprotein gene expression. Mice and rats are often studied in research because they share similar genetic and physiological similarities with humans. Mice were significantly more active in field exploration, had a greater acoustic startle amplitude, and had lower pre-pulse inhibition after being dosed with Ivermectin. Mice being significantly more active in field exploration has been connected to addiction with self-administered psychostimulants like cocaine. A greater acoustic startle amplitude suggests a heightened sensitivity to acoustic stimuli which is generally interpreted as a sign of increased anxiety or stress. Reduced pre-pulse inhibition is associated with psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to affecting behavior, Ivermectin is known to suppress genes that affect Natural Killer and T-helper white blood cell functionality.
DREADD-ed Ivermectin
Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs, or DREADDs, are chemogenetically engineered proteins that act as chemical actuators which enable remote control of neurons. In other words, DREADDs, when used in animals, are the final control element of how, when, and if neurons will fire in the brain.
Ivermectin enables manipulation of chloride-gated ion channels in the brain, allowing for either activation or inhibition of neurons. You will note this article explains that a virus (toxin) encoding a pharmacologically selective actuator molecule must be injected into the brain for Ivermectin to enable this remote control. The reason it needs to be injected intracranially is because the BBB is assumed to be intact. However, I’ve already shown you that our BBBs are not as intact as they once were. In addition, we all have gene-manipulating, CRISPR-Cas9-equipped nanotechnology inside us that builds foreign proteins using our cellular materials. We know for a fact that there are at least 36 different snake and conotoxin venom spike glycoproteins being manufactured inside our bodies by the nanotech. You can check out Dr. Carlo Brogna’s work out of Italy via ResearchGate to access studies demonstrating this. I assure you, the nanotechnology is capable of synthesizing these pharmacologically selective actuator molecules as well.
Because we are focused on the fact that Ivermectin affects serum chloride levels, and therefore, enables the manipulation of chloride and calcium channels in the brain resulting in the development of desired emotions and behaviors, let’s look at how blue light also manipulates those same chloride and calcium channels. If you have wondered why incandescent light bulbs have been banned in most of the Western world over the past few years, it’s because they cannot be used to control and manipulate the behavior of the public. LED bulbs, however, are useful for behavioral manipulation and control.
Yes, in this optogenetics experiment, lasers were used. However, LED blue light is also an equally useful tool in the optogenetics toolbox.
Optogenetics does not only allow remote control of behaviors, it also enables remote control implantation and removal of memories. Check out the video via the link below.
In the Memory Hackers video, the researchers were implanting happy memories. Fearful memories can also be force recalled using blue light and gene-editing nanotechnology. PTSD symptoms are often related to a vivid recall of traumatic memories along with experiencing the emotional and physical response to those memories. Imagine the god-like power of being able to impose PTSD on a targeted population.
Do you now understand why Ivermectin is being hailed as a wonder drug for COVID-19, flu, RSV, cancer, depression, and many other ailments? Does it now make more sense why the “Freedom” docs are advising the public to use Ivermectin in insanely high doses while taking P-gp inhibitors? Behavior modification and mind control are the driving agendas for the Ivermectin psyop. The globalists are working to engineer a zombie apocalypse and conservatives are their primary targets. This is why their Big Pharma 2.0 companies and organizations are encouraging the public to have well-stocked quantities of Ivermectin in their medicine cabinets on almost every conservative alternative media platform available. ‘Iver’-mectin is the mechanism by which evil is activated. It is a stumbling block to the blind. It can be summoned to possess the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, and to unleash pestilence upon the Earth. Let’s not fall into their Ivermectin trap.
If you have taken Ivermectin, the good news is, its effects wear off within about 12 days as the residual drug is excreted in your stool. My encouragement is to throw out any leftover doses and use natural substances for symptom management when you are sick. Everything made by Pharma is contaminated with the nanotechnology, and it is highly likely that other drugs we do not yet know about have been further weaponized.
Options for natural antiparasitics include sweet wormwood, oregano, black walnut hull, clove oil, garlic, and there are many more. There is ALWAYS a natural alternative when considering treatment with a pharmaceutical. If you are sick and need help treating a condition or would like to learn how to safely transition off pharmaceuticals, you can contact me via my website at www.holistichealthnurse.com.
What do you say to the people who have taken Ivermectin and their stage 4 cancer is completely gone? Honest question. There is a whole stack that is about all the patients' stories of being cured of cancer and other horrible diseases after taking it and sometimes along with fenbendazole...This is all very confusing to those of us trying to navigate the current landscape.
So weird it was used safely for about 70 years.