Feb 13Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

Great. But 1/3 the way down you list sv-40 virus. Where are you coming from there? Seems incongruent with your heading. Grateful I haven't taken a PCR or a jab. The sacrifices involved with that have been pretty extreme. All a living nightmare but I'll go down fighting and resisting the best I can. And I've heard about the revised definition of mRNA. Stands for modified right? They do love their word games.

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The SV-40 virus in the vials is used to assist the gene editing technology in the injections. It assists with DNA transformation. They really do love their word games. So, there was an article from the Epoch Times a while back stating that no mRNA was in the vials, and instead contending that modified RNA, or modRNA was used. However, Pfizer's own website says they are calling the nanotechnology "mRNA," so it seems to me that the mRNA/modRNA terms are distractions.

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Feb 13Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

Yes conveniently interchangeable for them. Also I've read a number of places about trump being 33rd degree mason but haven't seen that substantiated. Looking it up says Gerald Ford was the last POTUS in that seat but that doesn't mean anything. I guess Truman and FDR, Jefferson and I've heard Washington and Lincoln various times but I don't know how to find that stuff out. How bout you

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He uses Freemason hand gestures which is how they signal to one another that they are in the club. When you know what to watch for, you can see it. He shook Queen Elizabeth's hand with their secret handshake, so I'm confident he is one. No one who isn’t Illuminati or a Freemason does that. The other gesture that Trump does frequently is called "the Womb of Isis"...he puts his pointer fingers together pointing up, and the rest of his fingers form a triangle. This is a Freemason symbol, and he does it all of the time. It's supposed to mean that he is seeking wisdom from Lucifer. I guess it's possible that he is Illuminati and not a Freemason, but to my knowledge, no Illuminati has ever been elevated to the level of president.

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Feb 14Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

Ok I've seen some but not studied it enough. Dustin Nemos (sp)likely has but I run outta time, get distracted and these rabbit holes are so numerous and deep. Thank you!

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Hi Tim. I did that research on Trump and his Freemason status and thought you might like to see it. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism

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Mar 10Liked by Sarah E. Lawton, BSN, RN, CCM

Substak deleted half what I wrote. I'll try later.

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If they spread nanotechnology all over the world through water, air and food, as you said, that means they don't have a way to escape this contamination themselves. Are they suicidal?

Your article makes people believe that there is no escape... it seems that you are part of the controlled opposition trying hard to demoralize so that people lose confidence and hope. The globalists won't win as they are already losing!

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I've provided a ton of evidence that this is exactly what the globalists are doing. Did you look at the evidence or did you ignore it because it challenges your opinions? You're correct, they are exposing themselves too, but in bioweapons research, it is well known that they create an antidote alongside their weapons. There is no escaping the poisoning, all you can do is be proactive in detoxing as much as possible. Where is your evidence that the globalists are losing? I would enjoy seeing that.

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