It is difficult to see the full picture. There is no one single media source that is reporting on the breadth of connected events in full, so unless you scour multiple media sources and happen to study history, it’s hard to see how everything is connected. In addition, the governments, mainstream media, and much of the alternative media are flooding the public with misinformation, so one must be able to see through the psyops as well.
Understanding the Plandemic:
There was no virus and the spike protein is a psyop. The footage coming out of China in January 2020 was not real. China hired actors to pretend to be sick and dying. Two years later, there were clips circulating showing the outtakes from their movies, where supposedly dead people believed the cameras had stopped rolling, sat up, and showed they were faking their deaths and faking illness. None of the Chinese hospital scenes were real.
What about all the supposed cases of COVID-19? The PCR cannot diagnose infection. For decades, the boxes of PCR tests had the following written for all to see, “not a diagnostic tool.” This didn’t stop lab techs all over the world from continuing to use it as a diagnostic tool for HIV, so the lies and manipulation inside allopathic medicine have been going on for a very long time. Per Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR “test,” the PCR cannot tell you if you are sick and it cannot tell you if you are going to get sick from whatever it finds inside your body. It only does DNA sequencing. So, it can tell you if you have ever been exposed to a virus, but it cannot tell you if that exposure is going to result in illness.
The PCR was not only used to run up cases and spread fear. It is a second vaccination method. Cattle have been being vaccinated by nasal swabs for decades. I learned about this when Bill Gates and the CCP took over the US food supply. In 2023, Johns Hopkins University came out with a study showing that the PCR “test” could be used as a vaccination method, using theragrippers via cotton swabs. Were you ever PCR tested? I was. It was a shocking experience. My second and last PCR test was followed by a stroke an hour after insertion. In the first year of nursing school, students are taught to never stick anything that far up the nose. When inserting an NG tube, students are cautioned about the dangers of puncturing the nasal membrane.
Swabs are soft. Needles are sharp. The PCR has sharp fibers that break off easily and stick into whatever the swab is rubbed against. If it were truly a test, intended to diagnose people who are sick, they would not be jamming it deep into the nose and against the nasal membrane that separates the brain from the nostril canal. Respiratory viruses replicate in the back of the nose and throat, therefore, it is in the saliva if it is in the body. They could have swabbed the cheek or simply had people spit on the swabs to find the super contagious respiratory virus infecting humanity. Instead, they made the test incredibly invasive, requiring the swab to be rubbed against the nasal membrane. When the swab is rubbed against something soft, the sharp fibers on the swabs break off and puncture the nasal membrane. Dr. Ana Mihalcea demonstrated this in an interview on Maria Zee about a year ago. She also found that contagious, self-replicating nanotechnology is on the PCR swabs via electron microscopy. Why did they want you to test, test, test? They wanted you to “test,” because the PCR is one of the earliest spreading methods for supposed COVID-19, and it’s a second vaccination method.
Now, I understand that many people will dismiss this. Experience tells most of us that people with supposed COVID-19 illness spread it to their friends and family members. There was something that appeared to be contagious. There are several possibilities that can explain this.
First, we now know that the injections were contagious. They were contagious via touch, via body fluids, and via respiratory exosomes. What has been proven to be inside the injections? Weaponized DNA plasmids, toxic heavy metals which self-assemble into various types of nanotechnology, graphene, along with the SV-40 virus, HIV, and gene editing technology. So far, there is no mRNA, so there is no spike protein-making material in the vials. We also know via Dr. Carlo Brogna that the COVID-19 injection-injured and those who are testing positive for COVID-19 infection have 36 different animal venoms inside their blood, urine, and stool.
So, what is the spike protein? According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, the spike protein molecule shown in all the Chinese literature and Western medical journals is identical to that of the king cobra venom molecule. Considering that Dr. Carlo Brogna and his team out of Italy have found 36 different animal venoms inside the urine, blood, and stool of the injection-injured and those sick with supposed COVID-19, I think it is fully plausible that the venom is on the PCR swabs, being used to test these patients for COVID-19 “infection.” It has not yet been proven to be in the vials, and because this is a foreign protein, I would expect that it would have shown up in the vials if it were present. So, how else is it infecting everyone?
Bill Gates gave an interview about a year ago with a local news channel. I caught this interview. He explained that he had switched all the animal vaccine platforms in the food supply over to the mRNA platform (which is likely not mRNA since the human injections have no mRNA in them). Yes, Bill Gates now controls the US food supply. According to him, they were now mRNA vaccinating all “the livestock, chickens, and the bees” in the US food supply. Then, an article came out explaining that they had been mRNA vaccinating pork in the US since 2017. There were papers coming out of China over the last few years where they demonstrated they could pass the mRNA through meat, milk, and lettuce. Once the contaminated meat, milk, or lettuce is consumed, the mRNA passes through the small intestine into the animal that eats it, hijacks their cells, and their bodies begin to kick out the spike protein. This is at least part of how they are spreading the “spike protein.” There may be other modes of infecting the populations too. Recently, the CDC put out a map showing high concentrations of the “spike protein” inside the wastewater in every state. What they are calling “mRNA” appears to be the nanotechnology. What they are calling the “spike protein” appears to be the spike glycoprotein of venom peptides.
What happens to the wastewater? It gets recycled and then comes back into your home via your tap water. Furthermore, I watched an excellent documentary called Biosludged that was done by Mike Adams and can be found on Do you know what the municipalities do with the biosludge that doesn’t end up back in your tap water? They recycle that too, throw it into fertilizer products, and sell it back to you as an ecofriendly or organic product for your gardens. It’s ridiculous that they do this; they are spreading toxic waste and making you pay for it. You pay for it via your water bill and then you pay for it again when you buy it at the store. I think it is fully possible that the “spike protein” does not get filtered out by the wastewater treatment, and instead, it reemerges in your tap water, shower water, and gardening water. If the “mRNA”-nanotechnology has been added to all protein products in the store, and the water we are drinking, bathing in, and watering our gardens with has the mRNA or “spike protein” or both, then if one family member gets infected and the entire family is drinking the same water and eating the same foods, I suggest to you that this is likely how the venom is getting into everyone’s bodies. This would look like a contagious virus to the person who is unaware of the contamination of the food and water supplies. Furthermore, it is possible that this weaponized venom is also contagious. I have not yet seen evidence for this, but at this point, I believe anything is possible.
Now, some people in the family may not get sick, so what explains why they don’t get sick if they are eating and drinking the same food and water as those in the house that do get sick? There are a few variables. One is that some people have healthier immune systems and may be able to fight off the venom so they don’t become symptomatic. Also, anyone who smokes, vapes, or takes in nicotine would not get sick from the venom. Venom attaches to the nicotine receptors which exist on every cell in the body. The venom cannot attach if nicotine has already bonded to those sites. If it cannot attach, it cannot wreak havoc in the body. There are also a variety of supplements and medications, like activated charcoal, EDTA, and bentonite clay, which binds venom and removes it from the body. People taking these products also wouldn’t get sick, or would only get mildly sick, because most of the venom is being bound and removed.
One other known variable is radiation poisoning. Do you remember how the 5G towers went up in massive numbers globally during the 2020-2021 shutdown? The 5G towers are weapons systems, as are every SMART and wireless device inside your home. SMART stands for Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technologies. They work with the nanotechnology now contaminating all of humanity, to allow your biometric data to be surveilled 24/7 via Elon Musk’s Space X Cloud. This is why Musk and Gates have been hurriedly sending up more and more satellites over the last few years. They are diligently working to finish the control grid so that it covers every inch of the planet.
The Quantum Dot nanotechnology causes the body to absorb much higher levels of radiation when it is close to wireless devices, smart meters, smart devices, and the 5G towers. What are the symptoms of radiation poisoning? They are the exact same symptoms as supposed COVID-19. Blood clots, nausea, headaches, rapid heartrate, and other flu-like symptoms. We will discuss the SMART technologies and 5G towers more in depth in a future article.
Like before, the COVID-19 variant BS is a distraction. Now, the fight to stop the COVID-19 gene therapy injections is also a distraction. While everyone is worried about the few people still getting injected with every available booster, the globalists are contaminating everything we eat, drink, inject, nebulize, and breathe with the nanotechnology. It is a stealth, covert poisoning of the global population. This is how the globalists plan to meet their goals of killing 7.5 billion people by 2030.
They don’t have to force everyone to get injected. They just need to keep the public and medical community ignorant of how they are spreading the toxins, and focused on other things which will not matter in the long run. If they pull the shots, it won’t matter. Everyone is being contaminated anyway. If the Big Pharma companies are sued and forced to pay out a few million or billion for their crimes, it won’t matter. They have all of the capital in the world available to them via the WEF, the Central Banks, and the extremely wealthy people belonging to the 13 bloodlines who are orchestrating this New World Order global coup. If the WHO Treaty is rejected, it won’t matter. Why? You may have noticed that there was no treaty in place mandating that all nations obey the WHO during these last four years. All their lackeys within our governments walked in lockstep and obeyed them anyway. Do you really think they are going to do anything different in the future? Treaty or no treaty? The WHO will tell them to jump, and they will ask, “how high.”
My next article in this series will look at the UN army invading all Western nations with the help of their governments, all of whom, are happily playing along. It’s all connected! I will post that article in the next 2 days.
If they spread nanotechnology all over the world through water, air and food, as you said, that means they don't have a way to escape this contamination themselves. Are they suicidal?
Your article makes people believe that there is no escape... it seems that you are part of the controlled opposition trying hard to demoralize so that people lose confidence and hope. The globalists won't win as they are already losing!