Fairly complete as research goes for those not very informed with The Bible or The Pentateuch or Torah.
Although the word is plural, the Hebrew God is always referenced as singular. It refers to the gods of other nations or to their deities in the plural. Further, the Greeks and Rome always refered to the Christian God in the singular in modern times.
Am surprised the Babylonians were not addressed here as the first to have a Cuneiform System of writing contributing to the development of the heiroglyphs of Egypt as well as its religious beliefs which also encompasses Zoroastrianism in the Fertile Crescent to the current day. The Babylonian Cuneiform System also contributed to the Chinese and their writing with thousands of characters making writing very laborious in comparison to phonetic alphabet.
Though Abram and Sari were originally from a Polytheistic Tradition; it is assumed in the area of The Fertile Crescent; the Monotheistic God of Judeo-Christianity of today began with him. There is no known writing from his time with the Tribe of what became Abraham; thus all known of that time is passed from word of mouth until the Canaanites developed the ancestor of all alphabet in Serabit El Khadim in the Sinai Penninsula around ancient Turquioise Mines in roughly 1,800 BCE. Upon return to the Holy Land; the use of phonetic alphabet allowed the recording of the stories from the time of Abraham.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...Noah, David and Solomon was NEVER polytheistic and though am fully aware of the similarities in 'Creation Stories' and 'The Flood'...The pre-requisite writing always remains Monotheistic up through Christianity with Jesus Christ. Regardless of whatever the Pagans or Earth Mother Cult with their Human Sacrifice, Drug Addiction and Sexual Perversion; Sodomites, Pedophiles, Apostates think, do, manipulate the world to believe; the true faithful to God will always be Monotheistic. There are many claiming to be of the 'One God' who are polytheistic, Satanic/Luciferian behind closed doors.
The more archeology being conducted in the Holy Land; the more the Bible is proven a correct record inclusive of the existance of Sodom and Gommorah which is found further north as opposed to the Dead Sea Area where all searched for remains up until the recent few decades.
Really enjoyed reading your research and knew most of it from long ago when searching for God...Am glad in this time when utter chaos and deliberate confusion is being sewn into the fabric of the world where right is wrong and bad good; am not confused in any way. Were I a much younger person still searching; your Post may have swayed me to doubt; it's just that good.
As it is; I am with Jesus Christ every single moment of every single day and he has set my heart on fire for him and am desperately 'in love'. There is NO other God; only demigods prowling through the world for the ruin of souls.
Earlier in my life; when acquiring my Grad Degree; worked with a Catholic Priest Exorcist. Know fully at the reason for all the confusion...There most certainly are Demons and they've done a remarkable job sewing confusion into the minds of human beings with half-lies and lies of omission...Not so much commission. Since Abram and Sari's names were changed to Abraham and Sarah, there is only one God as referenced in Hebrew and Aramaic...With Elohim referencing other culture's worship of multiple gods who are demigods.
Thank-you for directing me to your work...Really great for a young person seeking to grow.
Hi there! Thank you for your comment. Just for clarification, my heart is not to convince people that God isn't real or that their faith in Jesus (or anyone else) is misplaced. My intention was to open the minds and hearts of everyone, regardless of their faith, to the fact that the globalists are manufacturing the end times, so they are not being misled into doing nothing. I know more about Christianity and Bible history than other religions and their texts si that's why I started with Christianity, but I plan to look at Islamic prophecy next since it is so simliar to Christian end time prophecy. I've been listening to hundreds of Christians anticipating that what is happening in Israel is proof that Jesus is coming back in this time. (I live in the US and just happen to know more Christians than people of other faiths). Because they are convinced there is a Rapture and that they will be rescued before the world delves into chaos, it seems to me none of them feel any urgency or responsibility to try to intervene. Christians are generally very compassionate people who care about future generations. Therefore, as a group they would be a massive threat if they thought they could impact the UN2030 Agenda. In this case though, it seems they believe there will be no future generations, hence, there is no need to fight against the UN/NWO and their corrupt underlings who do their bidding. This is exactly why the globalists are using the end times as a guide for their plan. It is a way to subdue religious peoples everywhere. If this is all God's will, and inevitable according to prophetic writings, then there is no need to get involved and work to stop it. Thank you again for your comment!
Wondered at the motivation behind your post...As what you wrote rode the boundary towards a 'Soft Sell' fairly well.
Have studied Islam extensively...It isn't remotely as Judaic (Some of Judaic Traditions are NOT actually Jewish), or Judeo-Christian Faiths (Some claiming Christianity are NOT of Christianity). Studies began with a Lutheran Deen as University who had lived in Iran for 10 years teaching at American University in Tehran before the Upheaval of the Ayatollah's Hell on Earth.
When studying Islam; be certain to extensively read their variuos 'Hadith' as THAT is the actual foundation of the Cult based in Mohammed's life and traditional Arab lifestyles. Their 'Sharia Law' is based in various 'Hadith'. As a bright person, it's certain you will become aware of it being very UNLIKE Judeo-Christianity as it is in fact THE OPPOSITE.
As for 'The Rapture'; there is no such event mentioned in The Bible...It's a Psy-Op beginning with The Fabian's Roundtable out of Oxford and inundated the Episcopal/Anglican Church and then the Presbyterian Denominations and into the Mormon Sects. I'll look around in this machine later after class...We have a Home School/Farm Co-op...To find the information about this particular topic. While I no longer have the research of 30 yrs. ago; this particular topic is one recently pursued a few years ago and probably still have the resources.
This Psy-Op was developed to instill 'False Hope' within Christians of the United States to DIMINISH DESIRE TO FIGHT when the Enemies implemented the threats necessary to nullify The Constitution. Their goal as many know is for humanity to just kneel and beg to be slaves making the chaos/crises and False Flag endless Wars for Profit of their Hegelian Dialectic to end. They expect humanity to willingly accept slavery under the pretect of the 'Coming of Christ' to wisk them away. So many people will be awaiting Jesus Christ the Savior who never comes and those people will lose faith and be open for infestation of the Demonic.
Have received MANY people in Substack arguing for Lucifer; speaking as though Lucifer is God; 'The Light/Torchbearer'. Those people are Freemasons; Trolls. Had no idea of there being so many of them as just suddenly popping-up out of nowhere. Have no doubt they're measuring the flexibility of the U.S. population; or the amenability towards persuasion into doubt and conversion to the Demonic. They're usually not very old and seemingly fairly naive with being very simply reduced to name-calling when challenged.
Apologize for feeling you out if it offended you. Must test the spirits to ascertain what they are.
Not at all! I felt you were very diplomatic and didn't jump to a conclusion that suggested malintent. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I appreciate you reading and caring enough to speak with me. :)
To Sarah E. Lawton: When someone "likes" a comment I make on a substack article I check for what else they like. Someone who liked one of my comments also liked your post here. This is how I found your substack.
I see embodied evil, individually and in groups acting in pursuit of their own self interests controlling many not in the embodied evil class who do their bidding, in accordance with and in furtherance of the plans of evil at inner levels. evil as above so below, on Earth evil here and evil there and - Wherever large wealth and power has been created and where it is now being created, evil will be there infesting and infecting the production and control of that wealth and bleeding off that wealth and advancing the inner level plan of evil for its total control, genetically engineered, dystopian, depopulated future ongoing for the large majority of those souls who are or come to be embodied on "that" planet earth. The plan of evil which now increasing numbers of people across Our Earth see. .
Deduction alone would inform many that the most logical explanation for such divergent interests, acting so effectively and collectively is that there is such a plan being coordinated from "inner levels". A further question is Why Now? is evil's plan in its ascendancy?
From the deduction that evil at "inner levels" has its plan the inference can be made that GOOD at higher levels have THEIR PLAN, which, I understand, was "preempted"in 1998 via evil's ancient strategy "preemption of the cycle". This "opened the door where evil dwells" outpicturing with September 11, 2001 - 9 11 - and its fostered "patriot act" which opened the doors of bioweapon development and the total control surveillance state with "covid" as their Opening Volley.
Sarah the "good" plan is The 100 year first step of the first step plan initiated on inner levels in 1934 by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Our Planet for the purpose of bringing in a Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All on Earth. This is THE PLAN of the Spiritual Hierarchy fighting the evil ("the cult") so that Earth will be able to remain a platform for souls to "evolve" and ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness as spiritual beings with individual self identity.
A palmful of tree seeds placed in the up reached hand of the small child - The promise of a home of their own. A little help along The Way. With time, the promise of a home of their own - fulfilled.
Their Plan was to prepare a group of 10,000 souls on inner levels and "specifically" embody them into specific circumstances for specific purposes. Plans were set to bring these people together and empower them "on the outer" with the inner spiritual teachings needed and group conference facilities needed to pull down sufficient Power from Heaven using The Science of the Spoken Word to Decree The Judgement upon the evil on earth. The Plan was also to empower these 10.000 with the practical "how to" needed to be able to demonstrate sustainable, abundant, Golden Age Life on Our Earth free from and protected from the evil.
New Era Homes for building demonstration New Era Community at the scale of 100,000 people. Demonstrated in such a manner that this archetypal pattern will be able to be multiplied 10,000 times thereby enabling 1 billion of the poorest of the poor, the least of these my brethren to build entry for themselves into sustainable, abundant life lived on earth. Helping to raise these is The First Step into the coming Golden of Freedom and Opportunity for All.
In 1973 I was in the first small group of people asked to join into The Plan. Teachings were released. Consciousness was raised. Many of the The 10,000 were contacted. Real estate was acquired and sold. In 1981 forested mountain land with sufficient timber resources just north of Yellowstone Park, formerly the Forbes ranch , was bought and paid for. Reported to be the largest private, stocked, underground shelter in the US was built. Start up funds were secured from profits realized through private land sales and land transfers with the Federal Government. The "How To" was "released" piece by piece from the late 1970's. By 1998 All was in place for the 3 year prototype equipment package development and demonstration construction of the New Era Home. All would have been in place starting in 2001 for the simultaneous, integrated figure 8 pattern, 33 year build out demonstration of both the remote free standing New Era Community for 10,000 people and for 90,000 the tear down and New Era Community rebuilding of areas of the Minneapolis / St Paul metropolitan area. Project completion date 2034.
In 1998 I witnessed the "preemption of the cycle" coup d'état takedown of The Plan by, most possibly, very "problematic" people, we were notified in the early days in 1973.would be coming into the leadership positions at the highest level for their last opportunity to bend the knee and serve The Light.. .
I started my substack "On The Path" to write one long post about "THE PLAN" to preface a short warning to the guilty parties. I plan to send out a note to all those who have subscribed and otherwise notify others when that is completed. Then "We Will See".
PS: Truths remain in "the books that frame the big five religions" despite editing by evil over the ages. These apply
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. my notes: note "and his Maker" "the Lord, the Holy One of Israel" has a "Maker", this speaks to the Spiritual Hierarchy overseeing Earth and note: "ye" is God within the heart. Here God within the heart of man commands God's Energy
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways
I really hope that you are correct about all of this. I can tell you believe it and have had some history connecting with others who believe it. I've been hoping there was some variable that I don't have knowledge of yet, like benevolent beings of some sort who would choose to help us through this. I don't see humanity overcoming this depopulation plan without help because there are far too few who seem to understand what is happening and who the true enemy is. I'll check out your Substack. Thank you for making the time to connect and share. :)
I understand why the Rapture theory is counterintuitive to preparing, etc. Many Catholics, however, are preparing in various ways based on a different interpretation of the end times. Which brings me to my question: have you given the Marian apparitions much thought? I was wondering how you explain them and their prophetic accuracy. Also, I wanted to note that the notion of a religious manipulation fits in with said prophecies.
Hi Genevieve. I don't know much about the Marian apparitions, so I had to study a bit to learn what they are. If there is a specific apparition that you have questions about, I'm happy to share my thoughts. Please understand as I respond, that when I speak about the Catholic Church, I am speaking about the man-made institution and leadership, and not the people seeking God within it. My initial impression, is this:
Because these apparitions must be sanctioned by authority figures in the Catholic Church, my conspiracy radar goes up immediately. Whether the apparitions are real or not, doesn't even need to weigh into the equation. Just as Satan took the word and used it to try to deceive Jesus when he was fasting in the wilderness, these apparitions could be useful to the Church leadership in the way they promote or suppress them. The Vatican is 100% on board with the NWO, the depopulation agenda, and bringing in the NWO one world religion. If you aren't familiar with this, check out The Earth Charter, the Vatican's/Pope's announcements on the COVID-19 injection, and the document signed between the Pope and Islam's head Imam, The Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together document in 2019. Because this plan for bringing in the NWO goes back thousands of years, and the Vatican has been privy to the plan, and likely helped formulate much of it, I see an element of predicative programming as the primary purpose. Predictive programming serves a few purposes, but the main purpose is preparing the public to accept something leaders, (in this case, the globalists) want to introduce in the future. It's easy to prophesy the future when you are one of the main groups involved in planning and facilitating it. However, if you can present the future you are creating via perceived prophecy, it serves another purpose of inferring legitimacy to Catholic Church leaders as being true messengers of God. The Vatican is run by the Jesuit Order, AKA, The Society of Jesus. The Jesuit Order is the intelligence branch of the Vatican and one of the oldest secret societies. They merged with the US CIA in the 1940s and formed the New World Order of the Rose. The Jesuit Order owns the Oxford University Press and the Scofield Reference Bible mentioned in my article.
"What is the solution that could finally allow for true world peace?"
The coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All made possible when sufficient numbers, quarterly, in one place - at one time - in one accord, use The Science of the Spoken Word to Decree forth the binding and judgement of "the cult" so that
1) those in "the cult" that may yet be saved will receive the opportunity to confess and repent and redirect the resources they control toward the fulfillment of The Divine Plan and
2) Decree forth the binding and judgement of "the cult" so that as they pass from the screen of Life the sum total of the Energy of God which they have taken and misqualified as evil will be, at inner levels, transmuted back into the Pristine Light of God for the fulfillment of The Divine Plan - their "cult" identity never again to embody on Earth
3) when sufficient numbers Decree Forth and demonstrate, at scale, sustainable Golden Age Life on Our Planet Earth and then Decree Forth The Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All.
PS: Truths remain in "the books that frame the big five religions" i.e. "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."
Fairly complete as research goes for those not very informed with The Bible or The Pentateuch or Torah.
Although the word is plural, the Hebrew God is always referenced as singular. It refers to the gods of other nations or to their deities in the plural. Further, the Greeks and Rome always refered to the Christian God in the singular in modern times.
Am surprised the Babylonians were not addressed here as the first to have a Cuneiform System of writing contributing to the development of the heiroglyphs of Egypt as well as its religious beliefs which also encompasses Zoroastrianism in the Fertile Crescent to the current day. The Babylonian Cuneiform System also contributed to the Chinese and their writing with thousands of characters making writing very laborious in comparison to phonetic alphabet.
Though Abram and Sari were originally from a Polytheistic Tradition; it is assumed in the area of The Fertile Crescent; the Monotheistic God of Judeo-Christianity of today began with him. There is no known writing from his time with the Tribe of what became Abraham; thus all known of that time is passed from word of mouth until the Canaanites developed the ancestor of all alphabet in Serabit El Khadim in the Sinai Penninsula around ancient Turquioise Mines in roughly 1,800 BCE. Upon return to the Holy Land; the use of phonetic alphabet allowed the recording of the stories from the time of Abraham.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...Noah, David and Solomon was NEVER polytheistic and though am fully aware of the similarities in 'Creation Stories' and 'The Flood'...The pre-requisite writing always remains Monotheistic up through Christianity with Jesus Christ. Regardless of whatever the Pagans or Earth Mother Cult with their Human Sacrifice, Drug Addiction and Sexual Perversion; Sodomites, Pedophiles, Apostates think, do, manipulate the world to believe; the true faithful to God will always be Monotheistic. There are many claiming to be of the 'One God' who are polytheistic, Satanic/Luciferian behind closed doors.
The more archeology being conducted in the Holy Land; the more the Bible is proven a correct record inclusive of the existance of Sodom and Gommorah which is found further north as opposed to the Dead Sea Area where all searched for remains up until the recent few decades.
Really enjoyed reading your research and knew most of it from long ago when searching for God...Am glad in this time when utter chaos and deliberate confusion is being sewn into the fabric of the world where right is wrong and bad good; am not confused in any way. Were I a much younger person still searching; your Post may have swayed me to doubt; it's just that good.
As it is; I am with Jesus Christ every single moment of every single day and he has set my heart on fire for him and am desperately 'in love'. There is NO other God; only demigods prowling through the world for the ruin of souls.
Earlier in my life; when acquiring my Grad Degree; worked with a Catholic Priest Exorcist. Know fully at the reason for all the confusion...There most certainly are Demons and they've done a remarkable job sewing confusion into the minds of human beings with half-lies and lies of omission...Not so much commission. Since Abram and Sari's names were changed to Abraham and Sarah, there is only one God as referenced in Hebrew and Aramaic...With Elohim referencing other culture's worship of multiple gods who are demigods.
Thank-you for directing me to your work...Really great for a young person seeking to grow.
Hi there! Thank you for your comment. Just for clarification, my heart is not to convince people that God isn't real or that their faith in Jesus (or anyone else) is misplaced. My intention was to open the minds and hearts of everyone, regardless of their faith, to the fact that the globalists are manufacturing the end times, so they are not being misled into doing nothing. I know more about Christianity and Bible history than other religions and their texts si that's why I started with Christianity, but I plan to look at Islamic prophecy next since it is so simliar to Christian end time prophecy. I've been listening to hundreds of Christians anticipating that what is happening in Israel is proof that Jesus is coming back in this time. (I live in the US and just happen to know more Christians than people of other faiths). Because they are convinced there is a Rapture and that they will be rescued before the world delves into chaos, it seems to me none of them feel any urgency or responsibility to try to intervene. Christians are generally very compassionate people who care about future generations. Therefore, as a group they would be a massive threat if they thought they could impact the UN2030 Agenda. In this case though, it seems they believe there will be no future generations, hence, there is no need to fight against the UN/NWO and their corrupt underlings who do their bidding. This is exactly why the globalists are using the end times as a guide for their plan. It is a way to subdue religious peoples everywhere. If this is all God's will, and inevitable according to prophetic writings, then there is no need to get involved and work to stop it. Thank you again for your comment!
Wondered at the motivation behind your post...As what you wrote rode the boundary towards a 'Soft Sell' fairly well.
Have studied Islam extensively...It isn't remotely as Judaic (Some of Judaic Traditions are NOT actually Jewish), or Judeo-Christian Faiths (Some claiming Christianity are NOT of Christianity). Studies began with a Lutheran Deen as University who had lived in Iran for 10 years teaching at American University in Tehran before the Upheaval of the Ayatollah's Hell on Earth.
When studying Islam; be certain to extensively read their variuos 'Hadith' as THAT is the actual foundation of the Cult based in Mohammed's life and traditional Arab lifestyles. Their 'Sharia Law' is based in various 'Hadith'. As a bright person, it's certain you will become aware of it being very UNLIKE Judeo-Christianity as it is in fact THE OPPOSITE.
As for 'The Rapture'; there is no such event mentioned in The Bible...It's a Psy-Op beginning with The Fabian's Roundtable out of Oxford and inundated the Episcopal/Anglican Church and then the Presbyterian Denominations and into the Mormon Sects. I'll look around in this machine later after class...We have a Home School/Farm Co-op...To find the information about this particular topic. While I no longer have the research of 30 yrs. ago; this particular topic is one recently pursued a few years ago and probably still have the resources.
This Psy-Op was developed to instill 'False Hope' within Christians of the United States to DIMINISH DESIRE TO FIGHT when the Enemies implemented the threats necessary to nullify The Constitution. Their goal as many know is for humanity to just kneel and beg to be slaves making the chaos/crises and False Flag endless Wars for Profit of their Hegelian Dialectic to end. They expect humanity to willingly accept slavery under the pretect of the 'Coming of Christ' to wisk them away. So many people will be awaiting Jesus Christ the Savior who never comes and those people will lose faith and be open for infestation of the Demonic.
Have received MANY people in Substack arguing for Lucifer; speaking as though Lucifer is God; 'The Light/Torchbearer'. Those people are Freemasons; Trolls. Had no idea of there being so many of them as just suddenly popping-up out of nowhere. Have no doubt they're measuring the flexibility of the U.S. population; or the amenability towards persuasion into doubt and conversion to the Demonic. They're usually not very old and seemingly fairly naive with being very simply reduced to name-calling when challenged.
Apologize for feeling you out if it offended you. Must test the spirits to ascertain what they are.
Not at all! I felt you were very diplomatic and didn't jump to a conclusion that suggested malintent. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I appreciate you reading and caring enough to speak with me. :)
To Sarah E. Lawton: When someone "likes" a comment I make on a substack article I check for what else they like. Someone who liked one of my comments also liked your post here. This is how I found your substack.
I see embodied evil, individually and in groups acting in pursuit of their own self interests controlling many not in the embodied evil class who do their bidding, in accordance with and in furtherance of the plans of evil at inner levels. evil as above so below, on Earth evil here and evil there and - Wherever large wealth and power has been created and where it is now being created, evil will be there infesting and infecting the production and control of that wealth and bleeding off that wealth and advancing the inner level plan of evil for its total control, genetically engineered, dystopian, depopulated future ongoing for the large majority of those souls who are or come to be embodied on "that" planet earth. The plan of evil which now increasing numbers of people across Our Earth see. .
Deduction alone would inform many that the most logical explanation for such divergent interests, acting so effectively and collectively is that there is such a plan being coordinated from "inner levels". A further question is Why Now? is evil's plan in its ascendancy?
From the deduction that evil at "inner levels" has its plan the inference can be made that GOOD at higher levels have THEIR PLAN, which, I understand, was "preempted"in 1998 via evil's ancient strategy "preemption of the cycle". This "opened the door where evil dwells" outpicturing with September 11, 2001 - 9 11 - and its fostered "patriot act" which opened the doors of bioweapon development and the total control surveillance state with "covid" as their Opening Volley.
Hi James. What "good" plan are you speaking about please? I'm glad you found my Substack and hope you enjoy my articles. :)
Sarah the "good" plan is The 100 year first step of the first step plan initiated on inner levels in 1934 by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Our Planet for the purpose of bringing in a Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All on Earth. This is THE PLAN of the Spiritual Hierarchy fighting the evil ("the cult") so that Earth will be able to remain a platform for souls to "evolve" and ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness as spiritual beings with individual self identity.
A palmful of tree seeds placed in the up reached hand of the small child - The promise of a home of their own. A little help along The Way. With time, the promise of a home of their own - fulfilled.
Their Plan was to prepare a group of 10,000 souls on inner levels and "specifically" embody them into specific circumstances for specific purposes. Plans were set to bring these people together and empower them "on the outer" with the inner spiritual teachings needed and group conference facilities needed to pull down sufficient Power from Heaven using The Science of the Spoken Word to Decree The Judgement upon the evil on earth. The Plan was also to empower these 10.000 with the practical "how to" needed to be able to demonstrate sustainable, abundant, Golden Age Life on Our Earth free from and protected from the evil.
New Era Homes for building demonstration New Era Community at the scale of 100,000 people. Demonstrated in such a manner that this archetypal pattern will be able to be multiplied 10,000 times thereby enabling 1 billion of the poorest of the poor, the least of these my brethren to build entry for themselves into sustainable, abundant life lived on earth. Helping to raise these is The First Step into the coming Golden of Freedom and Opportunity for All.
In 1973 I was in the first small group of people asked to join into The Plan. Teachings were released. Consciousness was raised. Many of the The 10,000 were contacted. Real estate was acquired and sold. In 1981 forested mountain land with sufficient timber resources just north of Yellowstone Park, formerly the Forbes ranch , was bought and paid for. Reported to be the largest private, stocked, underground shelter in the US was built. Start up funds were secured from profits realized through private land sales and land transfers with the Federal Government. The "How To" was "released" piece by piece from the late 1970's. By 1998 All was in place for the 3 year prototype equipment package development and demonstration construction of the New Era Home. All would have been in place starting in 2001 for the simultaneous, integrated figure 8 pattern, 33 year build out demonstration of both the remote free standing New Era Community for 10,000 people and for 90,000 the tear down and New Era Community rebuilding of areas of the Minneapolis / St Paul metropolitan area. Project completion date 2034.
In 1998 I witnessed the "preemption of the cycle" coup d'état takedown of The Plan by, most possibly, very "problematic" people, we were notified in the early days in 1973.would be coming into the leadership positions at the highest level for their last opportunity to bend the knee and serve The Light.. .
I started my substack "On The Path" to write one long post about "THE PLAN" to preface a short warning to the guilty parties. I plan to send out a note to all those who have subscribed and otherwise notify others when that is completed. Then "We Will See".
PS: Truths remain in "the books that frame the big five religions" despite editing by evil over the ages. These apply
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. my notes: note "and his Maker" "the Lord, the Holy One of Israel" has a "Maker", this speaks to the Spiritual Hierarchy overseeing Earth and note: "ye" is God within the heart. Here God within the heart of man commands God's Energy
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways
I really hope that you are correct about all of this. I can tell you believe it and have had some history connecting with others who believe it. I've been hoping there was some variable that I don't have knowledge of yet, like benevolent beings of some sort who would choose to help us through this. I don't see humanity overcoming this depopulation plan without help because there are far too few who seem to understand what is happening and who the true enemy is. I'll check out your Substack. Thank you for making the time to connect and share. :)
I understand why the Rapture theory is counterintuitive to preparing, etc. Many Catholics, however, are preparing in various ways based on a different interpretation of the end times. Which brings me to my question: have you given the Marian apparitions much thought? I was wondering how you explain them and their prophetic accuracy. Also, I wanted to note that the notion of a religious manipulation fits in with said prophecies.
Hi Genevieve. I don't know much about the Marian apparitions, so I had to study a bit to learn what they are. If there is a specific apparition that you have questions about, I'm happy to share my thoughts. Please understand as I respond, that when I speak about the Catholic Church, I am speaking about the man-made institution and leadership, and not the people seeking God within it. My initial impression, is this:
Because these apparitions must be sanctioned by authority figures in the Catholic Church, my conspiracy radar goes up immediately. Whether the apparitions are real or not, doesn't even need to weigh into the equation. Just as Satan took the word and used it to try to deceive Jesus when he was fasting in the wilderness, these apparitions could be useful to the Church leadership in the way they promote or suppress them. The Vatican is 100% on board with the NWO, the depopulation agenda, and bringing in the NWO one world religion. If you aren't familiar with this, check out The Earth Charter, the Vatican's/Pope's announcements on the COVID-19 injection, and the document signed between the Pope and Islam's head Imam, The Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together document in 2019. Because this plan for bringing in the NWO goes back thousands of years, and the Vatican has been privy to the plan, and likely helped formulate much of it, I see an element of predicative programming as the primary purpose. Predictive programming serves a few purposes, but the main purpose is preparing the public to accept something leaders, (in this case, the globalists) want to introduce in the future. It's easy to prophesy the future when you are one of the main groups involved in planning and facilitating it. However, if you can present the future you are creating via perceived prophecy, it serves another purpose of inferring legitimacy to Catholic Church leaders as being true messengers of God. The Vatican is run by the Jesuit Order, AKA, The Society of Jesus. The Jesuit Order is the intelligence branch of the Vatican and one of the oldest secret societies. They merged with the US CIA in the 1940s and formed the New World Order of the Rose. The Jesuit Order owns the Oxford University Press and the Scofield Reference Bible mentioned in my article.
My research has led me to the same conclusions. This is beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.
"What is the solution that could finally allow for true world peace?"
The coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All made possible when sufficient numbers, quarterly, in one place - at one time - in one accord, use The Science of the Spoken Word to Decree forth the binding and judgement of "the cult" so that
1) those in "the cult" that may yet be saved will receive the opportunity to confess and repent and redirect the resources they control toward the fulfillment of The Divine Plan and
2) Decree forth the binding and judgement of "the cult" so that as they pass from the screen of Life the sum total of the Energy of God which they have taken and misqualified as evil will be, at inner levels, transmuted back into the Pristine Light of God for the fulfillment of The Divine Plan - their "cult" identity never again to embody on Earth
3) when sufficient numbers Decree Forth and demonstrate, at scale, sustainable Golden Age Life on Our Planet Earth and then Decree Forth The Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity for All.
PS: Truths remain in "the books that frame the big five religions" i.e. "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."