Ah!! Skimmed the article and looking forward to reading slowly and in detail. So exciting to have people "think outside the box!!" Thank you, Sarah!

In general, I follow anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner's insights and employ Occam's razor.

I think Steiner was enormously gifted. He posits an etheric/astral realm called the "8th Sphere." Disembodied entities, former humans whose consciousness has so devolved that they no longer can incarnate in the human form--which is divine--"reside" in this sphere. Because they're evil doesn't imply they're stupid. In fact, they likely possess the "wisdom of the ages" in one degree or another; hence, people like Orsic, who have well-developed psychic abilities, can contact them. Crowley did the same and called his contacts "The Ascended Masters."

The inordinate interest and recent Covid campaign to disfigure and disrupt the human genome also provides some context as we must ask why they are so interested in biohacking the human genetic structure. With "advanced powers," they could apply themselves in any field they like, but we see, with very little effort, that the huge focus in our world is disrupting the human genome and coupling the structure into artificial integration with machines. They need a body into which they can incarnate.

These disembodied and devolved humans allied with Nazis would be my guess. The advanced technology, as revealed in the Russian video, would have been beyond the scope of the Germans at that time (1946-47). The craft emerged from water; fired "beams" which destroyed the personnel and aircrafts on carriers; and "created energetic" walls into which Byrd's forces flew and crashed. Byrd was so shocked that he acknowledged the greater power of this force in a Chilean newspaper before arriving home for his "debriefing" where he was summarily "hospitalized" for weeks.

In my mind, I have to account for reports I trust like Phil Schneider's. He saw a tall Grey in a laboratory with vats of human body parts. Some still can exist in this devolved body here on Earth would be my guess. They obviously hide within caverns and deep underground bases. I suspect the top Cabal leaders interact psychically with these entities both on Earth and in astral form. The "Hidden Hand" interview + the now removed "Ax Me a Question...I'm a Rothschild" revealed they test their children (carefully interbred) and then put the promising ones in programs like Monarch to split the personalities and enable psychic contact...my guess with devolved beings whom they worship as their "Ascended Masters" and from whom they derive their cosmology.

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Brilliant! I agree 100% with your theory that the Elites at the top of the Cabal are interacting with these beings; my research has pointed to that as well. I have a theory, though not any hard evidence for it yet, that the transformation of the planet is intended to enable these entities to exist in some sort of physical form on the planet. I think they are working to take back the planet from humans who drove them underground thousands of years ago, and part of that is to make the planet uninhabitable to the human race. Thank you for reading!!

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All the answers are here in this website,Laura Eisenhower wrote her new book based on a lot of info from Lisa's website.Laura says the white house surrendered to the aliens during the whitehouse/ufo incident in 1952,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Power_Elite

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Hi John. Thanks for sharing! I'll check it out! I've heard a couple of interviews with her on Ickonic, and really enjoyed those interviews. She's a smart cookie. :)

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According to Lisa Hitler was backed by the Tall Whites aka the Nordics.I thought the reptilians.I also thought RH Negative blood was reptilian but she said no,It's starseeds.If you read the Neruda interviews on the Wingmakers site he says the Annunaki created our universe,same for Wes Penre because he believes that story. https://wingmakers.com/ I didn't believe it,nice to be right about that if you believe her website.Sure answered a lot of my questions.

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The real creators of our universe,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Emerald_Order

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Many thanks for the link, John. I've bookmarked her site. Substack is an absolutely wonderful place to encounter new sources and ideas.

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YW Honeybee,it's a huge website with information you've never heard anywhere else.Just watched this video,hard to believe the small number of views,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jgXZZ5wtnU

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"Transformation of the planet is intended to enable these entities to exist in some sort of physical form on the planet." Someone made a joke asking if there is some offworld entity that is arriving soon and is allergic to C02. It was obviously a joke but this obsession with C02 is quite odd

Im not into the abrahamic religions, but there is a Christian, Gary Wayne, who has quite a strong thesis on these advent of AI and technology for the so called fallen who can no longer inhabit bodies to be able to coalesce into machines.

Also, Kissinger and Klaus are Jewish. Klaus is part of the Rothschild family.

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Yaaass! I've been digging into this also and feel like I've come to a similar conclusion. That the elites are working to make our world hospitable to their "gods." My understanding is that AI will be the "god" within Solomon's Temple, and AI seems to be very creepy in some of its interactions I've read about. I just watched an Ickonic Classified episode with a demonologist who also spoke about this connection where these entities can exist via AI. It's a very interesting topic!

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"They fled because they were attacked by Haunebu craft, some of which, ascended out of the icy oceans to confront them. After losing a destroyer, almost half of their carrier-based aircraft, and DOZENS OF SAILORS(?), the Navy retreated, limping back to the US."

If they lost a destroyer they must have lost hundreds of people, not dozens.

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Yep, "dozens" is what was reported by Rice. I know. It doesn't sound like much. Thanks for reading!

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Of course, twenty dozen is 240 seafarers......, so one can't say he was wrong.

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Milenialism..... In Norway Nazi Gemany was not only refered to as the 3rd Reich, but tusenårs riket (in Norwegian).

I will read the rest tomorow. Getting late here.

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