I’ve been watching the NWO rise for the last four years; it’s like being in the ocean in a small boat and having a kraken surface next to you. For anyone who does not yet understand the NWO, they are the 4th Reich of Nazi Germany. Nazi-ism is a globalist ideology that comes out of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). Nazi-ism is repackaged by this group in various forms. They are the Marxists who controlled the Bolsheviks and they are the Zionists who have run the State of Israel since its 1948 founding. In fact, the Rothschild family, who purchased the Israeli land in 1948, raised Adolf Hitler and placed him into power in the 1930s. Hitler persecuted and exterminated the Jews so that they could claim a God-given right to what is now Israeli land, and the world would agree that they needed a land of their own. The KM call themselves AshkeNAZI Jews. Many of them descend from the area that is modern-day Ukraine. They operate in many countries, especially Israel and the US, and work with all of the organized crime groups worldwide. The CCP is a close ally of the KM, as is Vladimir Putin. There is an excellent documentary in the first link below where you can learn more about the KM if desired.
We are four years into a ten year plan which they kicked off in 2020 with their COVID-19 Plandemic. By 2030, they want all humans living in 15-minute SMART cities. They want to reduce the global population to 500 million people— down from 8.2 billion. They want their one world government and one world religion firmly in charge, and controlling all resources and all living things on the planet. In order to accomplish these plans, they have to first tear everything down and create the conditions where the remaining public, soon to be starving, scared, and desperate, will plead for their globalist solutions. The model was coined “Problem-Reaction-Solution” by David Icke. Create the problem or the perception of a problem. Await the public’s reaction. Provide an answer to the problem you created, for the purposes of introducing your desired solution.
One might ask, how do we know what they are planning? The short answer is— they tell us. Predictive programming is a tool used by governments around the world to prepare the public for the future they are creating. Alan Watts defines predictive programming as, “a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
In addition to their manipulation via the media, they post many of their meetings, gatherings, and wargame exercises online. Showing the public their plans has an additional spiritual purpose. It is believed to provide “karma clearing” for the Luciferians and Satanists who run our governments and our world. Their belief system says that if they tell us what they are going to do in some form before they do it, that we are giving our consent if we allow it to happen. This supposed consent frees them from karmic consequences, and is a way of conscience-clearing when they commit atrocious acts.
United Nations armies will be activated in all Western nations. If you haven’t yet realized that the military-aged males coming in the Southern Border of the US are UN troops, the below article will help.
I believe we will see these UN troops activated in the next few weeks or months in the US and within the next year in the rest of the Western nations. What will this look like? In the US, this will likely begin with supposed terrorist attacks on infrastructure. In 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) presented a scenario whereby a cyber attack takes down the US electric grid(s).
What have we been hearing via their propaganda mouthpieces in the mainstream and alternative media? For over a year now, multiple outlets are frequently repeating that China and Russia are attacking the US infrastructure via cyber terrorism. The FBI has been alerting the public to the likelihood of terrorist attacks via supposed bad actors that have come into the country via the wide open Southern Border. The FBI and other intelligence agency representatives have been doing the rounds in the MSM for months and even said we were going to see a major attack over Christmas. The Deep State-paid media have also told us that the Chinese may have built a hackable back door into the US electric grid via the high voltage transformers we buy from them. This has been a common thread in the reporting of all MSM outlets, X media personalities, like Tucker Carlson, The Epoch Times, and the WSJ among others. Below is just one of these many predictive programming interviews.
You can monitor the supposed increasing cyber attack activity occurring via
https://threatmap.bitdefender.com/. This cyber terrorism is happening with the approval of the US government.
They are going to take down the internet. In war, disabling and/or controlling communications is a key strategic maneuver. The WEF has been speaking about cyber attacks on infrastructure annually since at least 2021. In 2021, they discussed a scenario in which a COVID-like computer virus takes hold of the internet worldwide. Their solution is to disconnect the internet from all devices and to “vaccinate” the internet. What that looks like remains to be seen, but at best, they will eventually require digital IDs paired with a government-approved social credit score, to be able to access the internet.
Digital IDs have already been deployed globally. The public just hasn’t yet realized it, nor have we been told. This is a part of their UN2030 Agenda and a necessary step before they would be able to restrict access to the internet and other services with social credit scores to force civil obedience during the upcoming societal chaos.
They are going to crash the Western banking systems to bring in their digital currency and end cash money. The US government has printed more than 15 trillion dollars in the last seven years alone. That printing began at a time when the US was already more than 30 trillion dollars in debt and was done intentionally, in anticipation of crashing the US economy. We have seen billionaires pulling their money out of US markets for months and I believe this is evidence that suggests the crash of the US dollar is coming very soon.
Blackrock pulled their money out. Blackrock represents Megacorp, which is the WEF’s grouping of major investment firms that own almost all name brand companies in the US.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg recently pulled a bunch of their money from the US markets.
How do you introduce a new financial system that the people don’t want? First, you tear down the current system and then offer your new system as the only solution for replacement. This is why we have seen the shift away from the unipolar, US-debt-backed money system to the supposed multipolar BRICS-gold-backed digital currency system. BRICS is not intended to play a multipolar role. BRICS is taking the place of the US dollar and will become the new unipolar financial system underneath the central banks.
They want a third World War. That is why they have the conflicts happening in the Ukraine and Israel. Both conflicts are planned to dramatically expand so that all of the Western nations, most of the Arabic nations, China, and Russia can conscript their young, healthy people and force them into a new global conflict. Anything that contributes to their UN2030 depopulation agenda will be encouraged.
Albert Pike, a 33rd Degree Freemason and former Captain in the US Army, is said to be the writer of the plan for three world wars. The letter was allegedly written by Pike to an Italian politician named Mazzini, in 1871. There is some controversy over whether Pike did write this, but at the very least, it was published in a book alleging he wrote it in 1925. The author of the 1925 book was William Guy Carr. It is titled, “The Red Fog Over America,” and warns of the Communist infiltration happening in the United States. I think this should earn him some credibility as, over the last 100 years, Communism has absolutely consumed the US Government. Carr is a former British Intelligence officer and military veteran who served in WWI and WWII. After the First World War, he wrote this book and toured North America, lecturing to warn the public that there is a global conspiracy to take over the world, and that the globalists had plans for two more world wars. If you go to the below link, you can see that the first and second world wars followed this letter exactly. Considering this was published before WWII started, it cannot be ignored that World War II progressed exactly as this letter suggested, nor that the current Israel-Palestine expanding conflict follows the plan for the third world war.
Regarding the plan for WWIII, Pike wrote:
The Disease X Plandemic appears to be scheduled from 2025-2028. In 2017, they labeled this plandemic exercise, SPARS 2025-2028.
In 2022, the WEF ran this scenario video during their annual meeting and titled this plandemic SEERS-25. Whether they title it SPARS or SEERS, the outcome is the same. In 2025, they will manufacture a second plandemic, they are likening to a respiratory hemorrhagic fever virus in their scenarios. They plan to use this plandemic to force people in massive numbers into quarantine camps where they will be exterminated either by lethal injections, medications, or other means.
Quarantine camps have been being built globally for at least two decades. In the US, the FEMA camps were being built during the Obama Administration and may have been being built during the Bush Administration as well. In the US alone, there are at least 800 of these FEMA quarantine camps, some of which can hold up to two million people. They have hundreds of millions of disposable coffins stacked outside of the camps which can hold four bodies each and furnaces that can be seen from the outside which can also be used to dispose of bodies.
The camps have guard towers like concentration camps, fencing around the perimeter like prisons, railroad tracks that run alongside the camps, and there have been rumors for years regarding at least 30,000 SMART guillotines having been purchased by the US government during Obama’s Administration. These guillotines were said to have been placed inside the camps as well. SMART stands for Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technologies. FYI, all SMART devices have secret military uses as weapons systems.
Interestingly, the Rockefeller Foundation created a document in 2010 titled “Operation Lockstep.” It was a plan to use pandemics to usher in centralized control over all nations. The WHO and UN are both Rockefeller-founded and governed globalist bodies.
Martial law will be instituted under the guise of protecting the people during this time of chaos and disorder. The UN’s migrant army is being folded into the US military and US police departments. These troops will not only be used as the supposed infrastructure terrorists to destroy the US and move the US into WW3, but they will be policing the people when they place Western nations under martial law. They will likely institute martial law after a time of societal unrest related to the supposed terrorist attacks here in the US, but they will go all in with full martial law during their 2025-2028 Plandemic. Most US military personnel would likely not be willing to harm and kill US civilians. This is why they need hired mercenaries from the third world. They are paying them and promising citizenship in return for military and police department service. Because of this, most will not challenge unlawful orders, which is exactly why they have been brought in and why they are being folded into US authority positions.
Climate lockdowns will be enforced related to significant climate upheaval in late 2024-2026; the world is expected to enter into a mini ice age after the upheaval. Is this related to so-called man-made climate change? No. There is no such thing. This is related to either a real or manufactured solar system event— a repeated 2000 year solar cycle the world is said to be experiencing now. Every 2000 years or so, the world experiences cataclysmic changes like the mud floods which have been depicted in historical and religious texts for millennia. The last time the Earth experienced these changes was in 79AD. For about two years, all of the planets line up on one side of the earth while the Sun is on the opposite side. The gravitational pull from the planets moving in their various rotations, normally results in space debris being pulled away from the Earth. During this planetary lineup though, for about two years, space debris is pulled toward the Earth. In addition, volcanic activity increases, flooding occurs, and the poles shift, affecting the temperature of various regions and the ability to grow crops.
The globalists watch the stars and they would be fully aware that this is what is causing the climate change (assuming the heliocentric model is true) they are blaming on humans. They keep accurate historical records in their Mystery Schools, though they hide most of human history from the public. In anticipation of exploiting these climate events, they were written into the Bible’s and Quran’s end time prophecies. These people never allow a crisis to go to waste.
Finally, they are going to stage the second coming of Christ, likely followed by an alien invasion. Operation Blue Beam is a globalist plan that goes back to at least the 1960s; however, it may have existed long before this. In 1994, Serge Monast, a Canadian journalist, blew the whistle on this NASA plan. He died two years later under suspicious circumstances from a heart attack at age 51; he had been placed in jail the night before and then released prior to his death. Below is a transcript from his 1994 speech.
Project Blue Beam has 4 parts.
Part 1:
First, supposed discoveries will occur that “prove” that the big five religions are false. Earthquakes will be manufactured and used to unearth new archeological information. These archeological discoveries will disprove what is believed to be known regarding history and will be used to convince the public that their religious doctrines have all been misunderstood.
Part 2:
Second, they will stage a giant light show from space with holographic images being shown to populations worldwide. These images will appear to be the religious figures expected to return via end time prophecy. Many people may not be aware of this, but both the Christian and Islamic religions foretell the second coming of Jesus as evidence of the end times. Islam views Jesus as a prophet or messenger of Allah rather than the son of God, but both faiths believe in Jesus’ second coming.
Part 3:
Next, they will use technologies to simulate two-way telepathic communication from these religious figures to each individual. This communication will seem like it is coming from inside each person’s mind or spirit. All messiahs will direct the people to follow the “real” God of the NWO. This directive will come via the messiahs who will convince the people that they are all manifestations of the same God— Lucifer. This step is similar to the 39th move in chess. All religions were written by these globalists in order to divide populations and to solidify spiritual rule over the various people groups around the world. Now, they plan to bring these belief systems together by “proving” they all worship the same God, thereby conquering humanity once more in a dramatic religious consolidation.
Part 4:
The messiahs will further convince the people that an alien invasion is imminent. They may stage holographic crafts or use real crafts created to look like they come from alien worlds. We already know these human-made crafts exist but we also have significant evidence that there have been aliens present on the Earth for thousands of years. Whether or not they use holographic crafts or real crafts, they may also embed drones that will drop real bombs on cities as a further convincing measure. This supposed alien invasion will be used to rally the people around the UN one world government as the only way to protect humanity from the global threat they pose.
If you think this all sounds too fantastic to be possible, please make time to watch the above linked documentary. All of the technologies needed to pull off this production have existed for well over a half century, and some have existed for much longer. In addition, the nanotechnology, the global surveillance grid (think Space Force, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and low-orbit satellites), and 5G towers likely have a significant role. The nanotechnology was deployed during the COVID-19
plandemic. It has been proven to be in the US food supply, the drug supply, tap water, bottled drinks, on the PCR swabs and surgical masks, and has been confirmed in the rain water because it is being sprayed over populations via chemtrail SMART dust.Graphene oxide is a super conductor of heat and electricity. Graphene is a building block of the various types of nanotechnologies which were deployed worldwide over the last few years. Nanotechnology is being used as a depopulation tool since it is toxic to the body and builds the “died suddenly,” hydrogel clots.
However, it also enables mind control.
The graphene builds new neural networks in the brain. Quantum Dot nanotech gathers and sends your biometric data to those monitoring the population. This data includes brain waves which can be translated into thoughts. However, it doesn’t just send your biometric data; it also enables the body to receive data which enables you to hear internal voices (which can be designed to sound like you, someone else, or even something else), affects mood, can cause extreme fatigue (related to higher absorption of radiation), and can be used to cause an immediate death via a stroke or cardiac arrest. It can also be used to kickstart the 2025-2028 hemorrhagic fever respiratory virus. This can be done, either through payloads/harmful organisms that were in the lipidnanoparticle nanotech, or by working with other nanotech capabilities that may not yet be fully understood.
If all of this is overwhelming— believe me, I understand. We are living in a sci-fi, horror novel. Even when you see all of the evidence, it is still hard to believe. This is happening, and disbelief will not stop it from progressing.
The New World Order is an old world order. They are highly organized and are already firmly in control of all governments, all banking systems, and all militaries. They control all elections and will not allow anyone into office who isn’t fully compromised and fully obedient to the NWO leadership. In the US, this includes Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr. I think they plan to put Trump back into power and that they may do so by “finding evidence” that he won the 2020 election. You can see the slow drip-drip-drip of this evidence being shared with the public already. Sadly, this will pacify tens of millions of Americans who believe Trump is anti-globalist. He isn’t.
The only way that I can see to stop these events from fully progressing is for humanity, en masse, to refuse to participate and to organize, setting up alternative systems outside of globalist control. Even if we all work together to create alternative systems, the nanotechnology is inside all of us and is building the died suddenly clots. We need to find an antidote or most of us will eventually die from these clots, accomplishing the depopulation plans anyway. If we find an antidote, we still have this death cult in control of all governments and military technologies. Unless they are all arrested and imprisoned, they will keep coming for us.
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Wow!!!! Great work! Get ready!
Great compilation!